This post may contain affiliated links, which means if you purchase an item I will earn commission at no additional cost to you. Thank you!

Although it is negative degrees outside, I am feeling pretty motivated and ready to work! I mean I did polish off 4 and a half seasons of Pretty Little Liars in 2 weeks thanks for Netflix #achievinggoals #nosleepatall. Anyway, I’ve been having so much fun lately with my blog, working on photo shoots, and sharing what I am currently obsessing over. I love all the sweet comments on my Instagram account and connecting with lovely folks like yourselves! It is strange to say but this whole thing feels so surreal sometimes, I have been dreaming of doing this for so long! I feel blessed to be doing what I love!
I am working on creating more blog posts where I share more of what I am wearing and how I style pieces. My Instagram account has more daily outfit post and if you sign up for you can get the link to the clothes I am wearing directly to your mailbox. This way you do not have to wait for me to answer where I bought certain items. You can opt to get daily or weekly emails. I choose to get them daily because it is easier for me to keep up with my favorite bloggers. A little side note: I do get a little commission if you buy the items through the links of my blog and from It also will help me see what items are more well liked and I can base my outfits on pieces my followers will love to see more of and different ways to style it. The best part is is free and a great way to relax, take a break from the day, and look at clothes!
Here are some of my favorite post lately!
Have you tried the new Fox In The Snow Cafe in Columbus, Ohio? It is so delicious! I am not a coffee drinker, but I am always up for a cup or two of hot chocolate. Heaven. They also have yummy pastries and sandwiches. Also this coat has been the best thing that has happen to me in a long time. Ok maybe not that dramatic, but I do love it a lot! I mean it has a fur hood, what more could I possibly ask for?
Sweater // Jeans // Clutch // Ring // Boots (similar)
This winter I have made (tried to) an effort to wear lighter colors, one being an all white attire. Walking snow(wo)man here! My favorite GiGi New York clutch is always my go-to. The color matches every outfit and I will take any opportunity to slap my initials on something–just ask my parents.,,,,
Trying to stay on top of my work lately. With this blog, my nutrition school, and the two organizations committees I am a member of, I need to stay organized! Thank goodness my planner helps me make day-to-day to-do list and my journal helps me take notes to remember where my brain is located. 
Scarf (similar) // Coat // Boots (Similar) // Jeans
I am a fan of the minimalist look. Less is more. A simple black peacoat is a must-have item for everyone. My faux fur snood keeps me warm  and looking chic through terrible snowstorms. 
A few weekends ago I met up with some fellow Columbus, Ohio bloggers for brunch at Milestone229! Having all of these beautiful, smart, and inspiring ladies in one place was so much fun! I can’t wait to get together with them again soon!
It seems as if my only shoe choices lately are my Hunters or Duck Boots. Ugh, summer where are you?! I try to keep my outfits looking cute and put-together when wearing snow boots. Hard to do, but I think these bow gloves really make it work.
Shoes (similar) // Scarf // Jeans // Coat
Mixing patterns is always fun, as long as it is not over done. I am also a firm believer that leopard is a neutral color, so it does not feel like mixing at all. I LIVE in my flats, and yes my feet were a little on the cold side. Carpe diem. 
I bought myself this print for Christmas. Yes you read that correctly, I bought myself a present… duh. Anyway, I am obsessed with the website Design Darling run by Mackenzie Horan. She always has the cutest stuff! This print is by Amy Stone and I fell in love with it instantly. I do believe this one is sold out, but she has a few more great ones still in stock. I have a feeling this will not be the last collaboration between Amy and Mackenzie, so keep an eye out for it!
I would love to hear more feedback from you! Please feel free to comment on my blog posts or my Instagram account. You can also email me privately at
Stay warm 🙂