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Checking off my bucket list! Last Thursday the wonderful staff of Igloo Letterpress hosted a blogger’s party to teach us how to letterpress. The company, which is currently in Worthington, is moving their cute little home to a bigger space this coming summer. The party was in celebration of the big move and I am so grateful I was apart of it and was able to meet the sweet, kind staff. They were so patient and helpful while us bloggers were running the machines and creating books. They must be crazy over there for letting us touch those big machines 😉  Igloo Letterpress makes anything from coasters, to prints, to greeting cards, and other fun knick knacks.



Making cute OHIO coasters.



Creating letterpress. I decided to put B&B and made about 5 different note cards.


This machine is 120 years old. It takes a crap piece of paper, and out comes cutout hearts!



Their cute little shop!


Stay tuned for the new location and if you are in the Worthington, Ohio area you HAVE to stop and do a little stationary shopping!
A HUGE thank you to the entire staff at Igloo for hosting such a wonderful event!!