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Out with the old and in with the new! It is time to spring clean our wardrobes. I have already said goodbye to my winter wear–ditching the darks and welcoming color. When spring first arrives, it feels like a refreshing new start. A reason why my “wants” list is always so long during this time. It is currently snowing right now (seriously why???), so the thought of bare arms and shorter hems is a little out of the question. You can forget about this bizarre weather with this candle; snow on the ground, spring in the air. These mint colored pants will keep you warm, yet put a spring in your step. Don’t forget there will be showers before the flowers arrive, stay chic and protective with this trench coat.  Add some bright colors with simple accessories, I always start the spring season with a change of my nail polish and buying colorful earrings.

What is on your wish list for the season?

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