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Lately I have been feeling a little anxious and panicky, yet motivated. I have all these goals and dreams that I am working towards, yet I have the mentality of wanting it all to be achieved at once. As if I had a genie and he granted me my success right there before my eyes. Wouldn’t that be nice? Well I know good things take time and hard work pays off. Sometimes when you do not see the results right away or when you have set backs, it can be really disheartening in your journey. It can lead to the ugly head of comparison and not feeling good enough. Then I realize all that I have accomplished in just a year and what I know is in store for me in the future. I feel not only grateful, but peaceful in what I am doing. You can do this. I need this as a print, framed, in my room, so it is the first thing I see when I wake up. I think we can all use this reminder.
When I am starting to feel a little panicky about a certain situation, I repeat these words over and over in my head. So often we disregard a desire or goal because we feel like we are not good enough. We do not try something new because of the fear of failure and what others may think. I know this all too well, I’ve been there more than I would like to admit. I have let good things pass me by out of fear. Now I no longer let the fear of failure or comparison stop me– as long as I am doing what I love. I encourage you to go after your dreams and goals. You can do whatever you want as  long as you love it and believe in yourself. There will be rocky times, there will be self doubt, there will be failure. However, if you are persistent and do not give up and believe in what you are doing, amazing things will begin to happen. You just need to stay positive during the setbacks. You need to have the courage to throw yourself out there and create something. It can be as small as jumping off the high dive or big as starting a business–you CAN do this. The key is to start, just do it. Jump–no canning ball– into your dreams.
Live the life you have always imagined. Set a small goal today and accomplish it by midnight tonight. See how easy it is to just go for it. Then tonight, write out what you want to accomplish and what you want your life to look like. I know this may feel a little silly, but trust me this exercise makes it clear for you on what exactly you want and how to get it. Take that list and move towards it. Take the step into achieving the goal and see how life will rearrange itself to help you accomplish it. And remember YOU CAN DO THIS!