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1. Have a picnic in the park: It is on my bucket list of things to do! One of the things I wish I did when I lived in New York and was taking advantage of Central Park.  I’ve always wanted to have a picnic with a basket full of fruit, cheese, crackers and champagne, lay down a huge blanket and enjoy a nice spring day.
2. Buy fresh flowers: So this is always on my “do-to” list, but there is something so wonderful about  having fresh flowers around during the springtime.

3. Invest in a new trench coat, rain boots, and umbrella: If you are looking for a new trench coat, I have come up with a few great options here. Umbrellas for me seem to only last a season, so I am constantly looking for new ones and having different color Hunter boots are fun to coordinate outfits with.
4. Start a new book: Getting lost in a really great book is one of my favorite things to do.
5. Visit your local farmers market: Spring is about freshness; fresh food, fresh flowers, fresh scent, fresh everything. I love strolling through the farmers market and picking up a few food items to take home with me.
6. Organize your closet: Spring cleaning! There is SO much I need to toss out of my closet. Things I have not worn in years. It feels great to get rid of old stuff, making room for new purchases.
7. Throw a Derby Party: I LOVE the Kentucky Derby! It is one of my favorite days of the year. I love horses, Lilly Pulitzer, big hats, and champagne. What more could I ask for? I dream to one day go to the Derby, but until then I will settle for a hosting a party.
8. Ride your bike: We have been cooped up all winter long! It is time to get outside and ride our bikes. I love to ride my bike at night when the sun is setting, it is so beautiful outside at that time.
9. Have a glass of wine outside with your friends: Spring is when it is finally nice enough outside to sit on the patio and have a few glasses of wine.
10. Host a brunch: Mother’s day is coming soon, what a pleasant way to shower your mom with love with a nice brunch. Or call a few friends, have them bring over a dish they have made, and serve mimosas!