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Lately I have been on a crossroad of a few major decisions. I know that when I finally make these decisions, it will steer my life in a new course. Sometimes you just need to not think so much and go where your heart takes you.  When we are brave enough to take a huge risk, no matter what the outcome is, the risk itself is really worth everything. It will either teach us something new, steer us in a new direction and on a path we are meant to be on, or it will come true. And what a wonderful thought that our dreams can come true. The risk is worth whatever setback it may bring, because that setback and that risk will one day turn into the best decision of your life. The setbacks,  failures, heartbreaks will give you the energy and desire to move ahead and the drive to succeed.

I have been trying to take more risks in my life as I am seeking some sort of an adventure. Taking risks in my career, relationships, in my happiness and in my fitness. I try to take a new risk at least once a week. Whether it is trying a new recipe, showing my feelings towards someone, learning a new feature for my blog or trying a new workout.
I have been practicing yoga for years now and yet seemed to never be able to conquer a headstand. To be honest, it always scared me. In high school I broke both of my arms while doing a back handspring, so you can imagine that I am not the biggest fan of going upside down. But I still wanted to conquer this challenge. For a long time I would utilize the wall while doing it because I knew it was safe, but I wasn’t really challenging myself. Using a safety net like the wall is how I was living my life. Taking a small risk (being in a headstand) but not fully going for it (using the wall). When I was in class and the instructor would announce we can go into the headstand, I would look around me and become envious. People were either  trying to go for it or had it already perfected. I would sometimes not even try and opt to “stretch” aka pretend I needed a break and get a drink of water. I would get so frustrated with myself because I knew I had all the credentials to do a headstand—strength, flexibly and balance. I knew I could do it, I was just afraid of taking the risk. Finally as a fire has been lite inside of me lately, I went for it one day. I struggled a lot but I ended up being able to get both legs up in the air for at least a second or two. I was amazed and surprised I did it. I was so excited I went for it, I almost ran around the room giving out high fives. Not very namaste though.
My headstand isn’t perfect (yet) but I am taking the risk to try it still. When I am faced with a challenge I want to not think but do. I have finally realized that it is up to me to go after my dreams at full force and at full speed. I have been engaging in a few new projects that I am amazed I am even doing. One project in particular, which I am SO excited to share with all of you once it is finished, is one of the biggest risks of my life. It will completely expose me and make me more vulnerable than I have ever intended to be. It is a project that I hope will help many others in their life as I know it has helped me. This is a risk I have always wanted to take and am now finally doing it!
Right now I am at a place in my life where I actually have no idea what my future holds. I know what I want to do and who I want to be, but I have no idea how to get there. It is sorta nice not knowing. I have been enjoying the journey, learning new things and being steered off course while I am working towards these dreams. I feel so far behind from where people my age are at, and yet I feel so far ahead of them. I always thought my life would turn out one way but it has been completely different and I couldn’t be more grateful for it. I feel God has a much, much bigger plan for me and my future than I could ever imagine. All I need to do is learn to let go of my plans (at least trying to) and enjoy the risks of life. My life keeps throwing me curve balls and I have seem to keep hitting it out of the ball park, even when it seemed impossible. That is the thing about life. When we are faced with a challenge or feeling lost, we somehow always end up ok. I think about that when I want to take a big leap of faith—I will be ok. The worst thing you can do in life is to do nothing. To let your fear take over your dreams and never experience the joy of living out your dreams. I want to live a life where I am proud of all of my failures and all of my accomplishments. To know I went for it, tried it at least once. I am no longer afraid of failure, I actually hope I fail at a lot of things–this is where I have learned the most about myself. My failures and heartbreaks have lead me to take more risks, enjoy what I do have and grow into who I want to become. I want to become a successful woman of elegance who is full of creativity and love. Someone who creates a life that helps others. Someone who enjoys every discovery, every moment, every joy. Someone who lives a great story and I can become all of this by taking risks.