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Last night was the opening of the 75th Anniversary of the American Ballet Theatre’s Spring Season. Opening night starts with a few repertoire’s performed at the Metropolitan Opera House and followed by the ABT Spring Gala. I was fortunate enough a few years ago, while I worked for the company, to attend the Spring Gala, and let me tell you, it was one of the most magical nights of my life! I saw Prince there and practically fell over in my chair! I truly felt so blessed to work for such a prestigious company like ABT. Every day when I strolled through the halls and watched a class in progress, I would think of all the people who have called this place their home and know I am lucky to be among them.

Ballet has been a huge part of my life and who I am. I can’t start to explain the feelings I get when I am sitting in the Met Opera House, watching a performance. I don’t think anything in this world will ever come close to giving me those feelings. It is the most beautiful, inspirational thing I have ever seen! Going to the ballet was one of my favorite things to do when I lived in New York and one that I truly miss.  I felt like a real New Yorker getting dressed up, taking a taxi all the way to the Opera House and sitting under the famous chandeliers, while watching Julie Kent or Misty Copeland perform. Truly a sight to see! My favorite ballets are Giselle, Les Sylphides, Swan Lake and Romeo and Juliet.
I started ballet when I was 3 years old and fell in love with it instantly. The tutu’s, the movement, the music and performing–I loved it all! Later I ventured into tap, jazz, and modern, but ballet taught me the most about myself. It seems the older I get the more I appreciate what being a ballerina has done for me. I learned my work ethics through dance by being disciplined and striving towards perfection. I use a lot of the creativity and visualization I gained through dance in my daily life and my blog. I use my knowledge of musicality in my love and appreciation for a good dance party. I see the grace in the way I walk and my mannerisms.
Dance is the most beautiful, sophisticated, creative thing I have ever been a part of and I have ever seen. I know some may find it boring, but it really is physical and exciting! Many times I have been on the edge of my seat during a solo or has tears in my eyes during a duet. It’s truly something special!
It has been a few years since I have taken a ballet class or have been involved with dance at all and I have been missing it a lot lately. I am hoping to take a few classes soon to get back in the swing of things. But besides taking a class, there are many ways to get involved. Attending performances is one of them! There are tons of companies throughout the US and it is something I highly recommend seeing at least once. ABT has the 18/29 club for young adults and offers 3 performances of your choice for only $30 each!