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It seems like this year has flown by! How is it already May? My life lately has been so busy with my blog, nutrition school, working on a secret project, and traveling!  Follow along on my Instagram account for upcoming travels and to finally see what my “secret project” is–coming soon!
My friend and fellow blogger Maura from Blonde In Blues hosted a Columbus bloggers get together! It was so nice to catch up with the girls and meet new bloggers. I feel so grateful to be apart of such a supported community of creative, successful woman. These girls are amazing!

I have been working on a project for the past few months and can NOT wait to share it with all of you. It is almost finished and I hope I will be launched by the end of summer.
I have been wearing this romper all over the place! It is so comfortable, easy to wear and looks put together. My Loren Hope bracelet has become one of my favorite pieces of jewelry and seem to be wearing it more and more lately.
I was invited to a sneak preview of CCAD’s Senior Fashion Show. Let me tell you, these kids are talented!!
Spent a few day in New York City! My goodness it felt SO great to be back in my favorite place on earth. I can not wait until my next trip!
I am ready for summer! This is my first high-waist bikini and am pretty excited to start wearing it!
It is finally nice enough to wear dresses! My favorite, everyday shift is currently on sale here!