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“I write to taste life twice”

-Anais Nin

Writing has always been a big part of my life. I have kept a journal since I was little. I write about my thoughts, ideas, what I am upset about and what I am grateful for. Writing is a way for me to express my inner thoughts that I may not be able to fully articulate to someone else. It has been therapeutic for me to get out all of my anger when I am frustrated or upset. When I went through the worst times of my life, writing about what I was thankful for really helped me see the positive, the good things that were happening to me.  For a whole year I wrote in a gratitude journal everyday, and it was not the easiest thing to do either. Some days you just want to write about all the terrible events that are happening or you want to vent about someone, but I forced myself to write about what did make me smile—even if it was as simple as I listened to my favorite song or I thought the flowers in the park were beautiful. Whatever it was I could mustard to make me see beauty in an ugly situation, I wrote about. Then there are the times I wrote about what I was truly happy about. You know those times when you can’t stop talking about an event or someone you like and you have out weighed the number of people you can talk their ear off about it? A journal was another way to talk about it. Writing down the good things in my life is a great way to relive the happy moments.

Writing has given me a chance to be vulnerable and a chance for me to understand what it is that I truly want. Sometimes I have an agenda for what I want to write about and other times I just let things flow. That is when I realize what exactly it is that I am thinking about, what I want.

Since I am writing all the time you can guess that I go through journals easily. I am always searching for ones that have different designs so I can tell them apart from the time periods I wrote in. Recently I stumbled upon Kandis Design on Etsy and I knew I had to have one of her cute journals. It has been a while since I have written in one and it’s about time I start again.

Kandis Design has a few different journal options; the leather long stitch journal, the secret diary, the stripped linen, and more. I got the stripped linen one. It is full of color and the pages are uncut and you have to cut them with a knife or letter opener–which is unique. I use this journal to write down my ideas for blog posts, features I would like to add on here, and my wish list of collaborations, etc. I like that the pages are blank–no lines–so it makes brainstorming easier, at least for me.

You can check out her shop on Etsy or on her website.

Do you keep a journal? If so, what do you use it for?