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dress // shoes // clutch (old, similar) //  sunglasses // earrings // bracelet // lips

One of my favorite color combinations to wear in the fall is black and camel. It is simple, classic, and always in style. I do not own many items that are in a camel color, usually just in accessories like a handbag or scarf, so when I came across this dress I knew I had to have it.  I am leaving for New York next week to attend a few conferences and found this dress during my search for outfits to wear. What struck me with this dress was that it’s not only stylish, but also professional and the color is beautiful. I knew I could wear it to any occasion, professional and non-professional. It is a little fitted at the bottom, but loose at the top. The sleeves are my favorite detail as they are big and loose.  While wearing this dress I feel empowered and feminine. When I first posted this outfit on Instagram, someone commented it was very Mad Men…. best compliment ever! My whole existence in life is based off of wanting to look like Betty Draper…. even though this is more of a Joan look.

Wearing this dress I could easily accessorize with bright colors, but I prefer to compliment the camel color with black accessories. I thought leopard shoes and a pop of red lips was a nice detail and a little color to add to the outfit. If leopard shoes are not your thing, you could easily pair it with a black, pattern, or colorful heel. Black and camel color will always be my go-to fall look.

What is your favorite color combination to wear in the fall?