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Every time my entire family gets together for a special occasion there is 2 types of drinks always being served: wine and slush. Slush is easy to drink and sometimes hard to recover from, but  always a hit with everyone at the party! Even if you are not the biggest fan of mixed drinks, I promise you, you will love this one! It is easy to make with only a few simple steps.


1 12oz orange juice

1 12oz lemonade

1 cup sugar

1 1/2 cup Jim Beam Whiskey

2 cups strong hot tea

7 cups water

ginger ale


 A couple of days before the party, mix in all the ingredients, except the ginger ale, in a big plastic tub. Put the tub in the freezer and stir every 5 hours. Do this until it looks like slush (like a snow cone).  When ready, scoop slush into a glass and add ginger ale–amount to your liking. Cut and add as many strawberries as you please.

And there you have it! It really is a tasty drink that can be served at any occasion!