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‘Tis the season for lots of gatherings and a lot of parties! I love the holiday season for many reasons and one of them is the opportunity to make yummy hor d’oeuvres or side dishes. I enjoy cooking and baking all types of meals/food, but for some reason I LOVE to make hor d’oeuvres. I attended a few holiday parties last week and for two of them I made bacon wrapped goat cheese stuffed dates. I eat dates almost every day, I love cheese like it’s my first child, and bacon is a necessary ingredient to every meal, so it is only fitting that this simply to make hor d’oeuvre is my go-to to any party.



*each amount is subjective to the number of guests


goat cheese


Set oven to bake 350 degrees. prep time: 10 mins cook time: 40

First you slice the dates part way through and take out the pit. After it is pitted, stuff it with goat cheese and place on a baking sheet. No need to grease the pan with anything since the bacon will do it. When you are finished stuffing the cheese into the date, wrap the dates with bacon. I cut each piece of bacon in half so it is not over-whelming, but this is something you can do to your liking. To keep the bacon on the date I stick a toothpick where the ends meet. A helpful tip, I stick the bacon on the side of the date and lay it on it’s side on the baking sheet–so the tooth pick is touching the baking sheet.

When ready, place the dates into the oven for 20 mins. After the 20 minutes, flip the dates to the opposite side–getting both sides of the bacon cooked. Place back into the oven for another 20 mins.

Take the dates out of the oven when finished and let it cool for a couple minutes. Place onto a pretty plate and serve it to your friends and family. If you are taking the dates to a party, I suggest putting back in the oven for a minute or two to heat them back up.

This is really an easy to make recipes, one of my favorites, and always a hit at parties!
