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“But dreams do not come true just because you dream them. It’s hard work that makes thing happen. It’s hard work that creates change”

–Shonda Rhimes

Happy Friday! I can NOT believe Christmas is next week! Eeeek! Have you finished all of your holiday shopping? I have one present left to get, then it is wrapping time! I am definitely in the holiday mood– Wednesday night I had a mini get together with  a few members of my committee from the Athletic Club. We sipped wine, told stories, and ate a lot of cheese! Last night I attended the Athletic Club’s holiday party with my sister and brother-in-law. We put on our best cocktail attire and had a ball!

I have some good news to share– this past week I graduated from Institute of Integrative Nutrition!!! I am now a certified holistic health coach! I started taking the course the beginning of the year and have worked each week taking tests, learning about food, wellness, life, and health. I am not totally sure exactly what I am going to do with this certification, I am thinking of taking on a few clients as more of a life/wellness coach. We will see! I am just excited to be done and proud of myself for graduating! I started IIN because of my own health issues and wanted to figure out why I was so sick. It is crazy that some of my issues I have been dealing with for over a decade that has caused a lot of problems, but by going through IIN I was able to figure some of it out, and learned how to deal with some issues.  I am grateful I went through the course!

BTW tomorrow on Twitter– @blushandblooms— I am going to tweet out 5 of my favorite items at the moment through out the day. So do not forget to follow me to see what each item is!!

1) Blair Waldorf sings Blue Christmas

2) Learn from this 12-year-old boy’s life lessons

3) This dress has my name written all over it

4) How beautiful is this scarf?

5) DIY Holiday Wrapping

6) Oh bow, these shoes are perfect!

7) Making this punch for Christmas

8) Holiday Gift Guides

9) How to stay fit during the holidays

10) Excited to see what she creates