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print one (c/o) // print two (c/o)

From moving out and in and back out of my old bedroom at my parents house. The decor is not compatible. There are still things from my high school days hung up on the walls and furniture from my college life. I wanted something in there that was more “mature” and more “the me now”. I decided to add two new prints to the wall, so I headed over to my favorite website for new prints and art, Minted. . As I am always drawn to florals, this print stood out to me first. To compliment the florals, I wanted something soft, and not over whelming. This stepping stone print was perfect to match the florals.

 I first came across Minted a few years ago when I bought this print, seen here. Ever since then, Minted has become my go-to website for all art decor. They have anywhere from landscapes to celebrities to abstract art to typology. They have everything you want and need!!
