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dress // shoes (old, similar) // clutch // bracelet // earrings (old, similar) // fur scarf





On Christmas Eve my family and I start the evening, dressed in our finest,  with dinner at my grandmother’s house. At her house we open up our stockings (from her), drink some wine, and enjoy our traditional Christmas Eve meal—chicken, rice, green beans, and a side salad. After dinner we head over to church for an hour long service. After service we attend a Christmas party hosted by my neighbors, which is always so much fun! We usually do not get home until a little after midnight. When we were younger–ok I still make my dad do this, but my sister is married and no longer sleeps at my parents house–my dad reads to us The Polar Express.

FYI I kept singing “Lady in Red” while writing this post…. greatest. song. ever! Oh and BTW those are my actual friends–no joke– it is hilarious!

Christmas Eve has always been my favorite part of christmas with all the excitement building up! I love getting dressed up to attend service, spend time with my family and share a few laughs with my friends. I mostly love it because we dress up, where our Christmas day attire is a little more casual. This dress from J.Crew is perfect for the holiday season. It reminds me of the old Teddy  dress they used to have and I hit myself in the head ever since for not getting the red one as well as the black. Well the good lord has answered my prayers and brought us this wool crepe dress! It took no debating for me to get it, and I am SO glad I did! I can not only wear it for Christmas Eve (which is exactly what I am doing), and holiday parties, but I can wear this year after year to work and special occasions. As most of my winter attire is black, adding a red dress really makes me feel bright and cheery during the gloomy winter days!

What are you wearing for Christmas Eve? What are some of your traditions?!

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