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Lately it seems every brand is jumping on the activewear bandwagon, and I, for one, am definitely ok about it! Gone are the days of wearing a grubby t-shirt from a past summer camp to workout in. Now there is no excuse to not look cute while sweating profusely. And lets be honest, activewear is no longer just for the gym, we wear it everywhere–how can you not? It is so comfortable! Now that big brands are getting the hint on our protest for athletic leisure, I am happy to see one of my favorite brands joining the movement! Kate Spade has recently launched their activewear line and it is one to not miss! Think lots of bows. I am surprised it only comes in 3 basic colors (black, red, and white), but I think as they continue with this collection we will see more prints and brighter colors. Right now I really want these leggings and this top-HOW CUTE!!