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dress // mini tote  // earrings // sunglasses // pumps

Recently I passed my 2 year anniversary as a blogger! It seems like yesterday I was learning how to create a website, wrote my first blog post, and was taking endless outfit pics. I was instantly hooked! Heck, I was hooked before I even began. When I first started I thought only my mom and maybe a few close friends would read it, never did I imagine I would get to even this point!  I know many of you have been reading since the beginning (thank you!!), and some of you may have just started to follow me or stopped by to check out my little world (welcome!), so I decided to create 30 fun facts about myself so you may all get to know me better!


1) I am named after my grandmother Margaret

2) I have been dancing since I was 3 years old

3) Dance was my major in college

4) My favorite movie is the Sound Of Music. Sleepless In Seattle comes in a close second

5) I enjoy pleasure reading and am currently reading Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert

6) Listening to music is one of my favorite things to do and I know the lyrics to almost every song

7) Horses and dogs are my favorite animals

8) I broke both of my arms at the same time doing a back handspring during cheerleading practice in high school

9) I have a deep love for dresses. My dream collaboration would be to create a line of dresses for a department store like Nordstrom or Shopbop.

10) Champagne, white wine, and French 75 are my drinks of choice

11) My family owns a farm in southern Ohio that has been in our family for over 100 years

12) I can speak both Spanish and French (still learning French though)

13) New York City is my favorite city in the world. I lived there for a few years and loved every moment.

14) Tulips are my favorite flowers

15) Friends is my favorite TV show of all time

16) I am a health nut but can’t say no to chocolate or Mexican food

17) Exercising is a drug to me. I try to workout 5-7 days a week and love to try new forms of workouts

18) Grace Kelly is my style icon/role model and Reese Witherspoon is my spirit animal

19) My favorite designers are Carolina Herrera, Oscar de la Renta, and Lela Rose

20) The one celebrity I am dying to meet is Julie Andrews

21) Celebrity crushes: Robert Redford, Justin Timberlake, and Jimmy Fallon

22) I have built three houses: two in Mexico, one in the Dominican Republic.

23) While in the DR I cliff dived off of a water fall

24) When I was 6 years old I entered into a competition to be selected by a modeling agency and won, only to later decline because it would mean I would have to choose between modeling or dance lessons. I chose dance.

25) When I was little my dream job was to become a comedian

26) I have been gluten free for over a year

27) Some people think I am shy/reserved but in reality I am pretty outgoing, goofy, and love to talk… a lot

28) I enjoy cooking (also baking); salmon is my specialty

29) Last year I became a certified health coach

30) I went to the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta


Now I want to get to know you!  In the comment section below, tell me 5 facts about yourself!