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stripeddress copy

dress // heels  // tote c/0 // panama hat // sunglasses c/0


When it comes to weekend style I go from either looking as if I just got out of bed or looking put together. Days that I actually turn off Netflix and join the human race. A few weeks ago my mom and I were walking around the Short North area and decided to stop in Le Chocoholique for an afternoon sweet treat. This place is dangerous. We both have a deep love for chocolate and it was as if the gates to heaven were opened. Definitely stop by there if you are in the area. I was thankful I had this dress on afterwards….

When it comes to my weekend attire, I want to be comfortable. This dress is great for all types of fun weekend activities. From brunch to casually running errands, I throw this on for an easy, yet put together look. It will be my go-to look for the summer.