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There is so much I want to do this summer. From weekends at the beach to making s’mores, I want to make the most of my favorite time of the year. In the beginning of each season I make a little bucket list/to-do list of things I want to do or try. My plans so far this summer include traveling to Atlanta to visit my sister, a wedding at the end of July, traveling to New York, spending hours at the pool, and of course, celebrating the 4th of July!


* I have always wanted to purchase a cute picnic basket and have lunch, with a little champagne, in the park with friends. Seems like the perfect day to me!

* This summer I already have a few travel plans, but I want to spend a weekend or two in the Hamptons.

*  It has been too long since I have been on a boat, so this summer I want to go sailing.

* My dad is a tennis pro. We used to play when I was little, so this summer I want to head over to the club and hit a few balls with him.

* Tis the season for lobster. LOTS of lobster! This summer I want to learn different ways to grill lobster—also if  anyone knows where I can get a gluten free lobster roll let me know!

* One of the many things I want to do while visiting my sister and brother-in-law in Atlanta is to go to the Swan House. Google it right now…… can we say dream home?!

* I love rooftop bars. I love rosé. When you put them together it makes for one happy girl.

* Every summer it is a tradition for my family to make s’mores after we eat dinner on the patio. I love sitting around the fire pit at sunset, spending time with my family, and eating chocolate.

* Nothing says summer like an outdoor concert. I am talking about a concert where you hang out on the lawn and roam wherever you please.

* Seeing fireworks is more of a must. Columbus has one of the biggest fireworks on July 3rd called Red, White, and Boom. Then on the 4th of July in my hometown everyone gathers at the park for watch the firework display. I love the 4th of July and I can’t think of a better way to celebrate it than in Columbus.

What is on your bucket list this summer?