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shoes c/o // dress (similar) // sunglasses // watch // bracelet // bag (similar)

Ever have one of those days when all you want to do is surround yourself with beautiful things? Ok, true, that is everyday for me too, but there are days when I need a little extra inspiration. When that extra spark of beauty is needed I follow these three simple rules: wear something new, buy myself flowers and eat macarons. It immediately brightens my day whenever I do this.

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I always turn to these three ingredients for a beautiful day whenever I can. I know they will make me feel good because they are a few of my favorite things. Maybe it is the French in me but macarons are just simply heavenly and I can’t get enough of them. Flowers are a girls best friend.  And what woman does not feel fabulous and confident in something new? In this case it is a new pair of shoes.

M.Gemi is a brand I was introduce to last year. I was ecstatic about their modern twist on classic style and knew they would be a brand I would frequent. I even have my own style page where you can visit and see new collections and what shoes I am coveting at the moment—side note: if you shop through my page you will get $40 off your first pair!!!


shoes c/o // dress (similar) // sunglasses // watch // bracelet // bag (similar)

If you are ever in need or you just want to surround yourself with beauty–follow my three steps–flowers, macarons, and something new and fabulous–and you will feel just as beautiful as the things around you!