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bow blouse // coat (similar) // nude heel // plaid pants

velvet clutch // sunglasses // bracelet

Can you believe it is Christmas eve? It seems like this year went by in a blink of an eye. This month especially went fast, but doesn’t it always? Christmas is by far my favorite holiday. Everything about it makes me happy– being with family, Christmas music and movies, lots of yummy food and sweets, presents, traditions, church, decorations, Santa, and parties. It all feels so magical!

As a child I always loved Christmas Eve more than Christmas day. It was the anticipation, the magic lingering in the air that made me love it so much. Don’t get me wrong I love Christmas day, opening up presents and spending time with family, but once that is all over the magic seems to just disappear.

On Christmas Eve we have an early family dinner, which used to be at my grandmother’s house but now it is at my parents house. After dinner we head over to church for service. My favorite part of the service is the last song we sing,  Silent Night. The entire congregation sings with the lights off and everyone holding candle. It really is a lovely sight. After the service my parents, sister and I head over to our neighbors house for a party. It is always a blast! We stay there until about midnight. At night we set out cookies and milk for Santa and head to bed, but before we say goodnight my dad reads us The Polar Express. 

bow blouse // coat (similar) // nude heel // plaid pants

velvet clutch // sunglasses // bracelet

We wake up bright and early (ish) on Christmas morning. We first open up our stocking stuffers which is in the family room. Then we head to the living room where the tree is and all of the presents.  After each gift has been opened we have brunch filled with pancakes, eggs, bacon, and french toast. Yum!

After brunch we finish creating our presents for the annual family competition. Each year we have a gift wrapping competition with my entire family and each year is a different theme. This year’s theme is our favorite part of any Harry Potter movie. The winner gets a little gift. My family is creative, so you see some pretty crafty creations. My gift is either going to be Hermione or Moaning Myrtle.

My family meets around 4pm for the competition and soon after we have an early dinner. After dinner we play Christmas themed games like unscramble the carol or what is the name of so and so. My family is competitive if you haven’t noticed.

I enjoy every part of our Christmas traditions. Even though things have changed throughout the years and people have come and sadly go, spending time with my entire family has always been special to me. This year my sister and brother-in-law, for the first time, will not be here this year because of my sister being pregnant. Although I am SO excited for my niece to be born, I am sad that they will not be here. Christmas will not be the same without my sister… but hoping this means Santa brings me more presents 😉

What are some of your Christmas Traditions?