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Yesterday I went to my chiropractor for a much, much, much needed adjustment. While I was there the two of us had a long conversation on mind-body connection. I am a firm believer that what is going on in your head affects what is going on with your body. Negative thoughts are toxic. Your mind sends signals to your body through your nerves, if those nerves are toxic then your body reacts to those signals. Those signals could result in not feeling well, headaches, stomach aches, depression, joint pains, inflammation, etc.

As you know I am at the end of the Body Conceptions challenge. One of the perks we get during the challenge is to take a free class at MNDFL Meditation. I have talked briefly about how I am starting to mediate daily for about 5-15 minutes. I have noticed I am calmer, happier, and more optimistic throughout the day. Normally when I meditate I just lay on my bed in either silence, with a guided meditation, or with classical music playing and I try to silence my mind. It isn’t always easy.

MNDFL Meditation is this peaceful little studio where you can go for either a guided meditation or you can go into their green room (shown above) for your own quiet meditation. I have done guided meditations before in a group setting as part of a wellness series or during a dance class, but never have I been to a studio solely based on meditation. I was very intrigued to try it. There are different types of classes you can take at MNDFL: breathing, intentions, movement, mantra, sleep, energy, heart, and so on. Each class can be done in the duration of 30, 45, and 60 minutes. I decided to try the intentions class for 30 minutes.

I was a bit nervous to take this class– what if I can’t concentrate? what if my foot falls asleep and I have to move and it distracts someone else? But the second I walked into the studio the atmosphere is so calm and peaceful that all of my worries sorta vanished. We are each assigned to a cushion and luckily we have the option of using what I call a stadium seat cushion. I was so grateful because I have a bad back and can’t sit without a support for that long. We also have the option of using a blanket to make the experience a bit more cozy– it did.

In the beginning of the meditation the teacher asked us to set an intention on not what we want (i.e. materialistic things) but who we want to be. So I set the intention of wanting to be someone who lives life, not just survives. Then about 5 minutes into the meditation I fell asleep…….. and I have no idea what else she said. I have read and heard that it is ok to fall asleep during guided meditations because your brain is still processing what is being said and you are in a complete state of relaxation. Works for me!

I will definitely go back to MNDFL and take another class (and hopefully not fall asleep). But I have and will continue to meditate everyday. It really is something so beneficial that I highly encourage everyone to do.  Meditation can do the follow:

1.  Lessens anxiety, stress, and depression

2. Improves your immune system and energy levels

3. Lessens inflammation

4. Enhances self-esteem and self-acceptance

5. Helps with digestion


There is so many more benefits of meditation that have been proven to increase our health and longevity. I encourage you to try it today!