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“never be limited by other people’s limited imaginations”

-Dr. Mae Jemison

Happy Friday!! I am at the end of my 4th week at Body Conceptions (who just launched their at home video series!!) and it is still kicking my behind! I have noticed I have more energy during classes but still am so sore. Earlier this week I must have over done it or tweaked something because Wednesday I could not move my neck or back. I basically spent the entire day laying on ice and/or a lacrosse ball, using IcyHot, taking Advil, and crying on the phone to my mom that I hurt. I don’t know what I did but my God it was awful. I finally at one point made myself get out of the house because I had to run an errand…. then some not so nice woman body checked me on the street because I was in her way. Not.A.Good.Day. BUT my week started to look much, much better come Thursday.

Thursday morning I went to the Four Season’s Hotel Downtown to have breakfast with American Express with a few of my blogging girlfriends. There we had mani’s, back massages, yummy food and drinks, and learned more about AMEX perks. It was EXACTLY what I needed–time spent with friends to cheer me up! Oh and my back feels sooo much better! I did a double BoCo last night and it helped so much to release the rest of my tightness! I did one twist and fireworks went off on my back….  so satisfying. Monday I am getting a massage and I have been drinking A TON of water to help replenish my body and release whatever toxins I have left in my body.

This weekend I am working out and spending time with friends. Nothing too crazy!

Have a wonderful weekend!


1. Why being fearless is more important than ever

2. This simple white dress will be your go-to

3. How amazing is my friend Molly?!

4. These pink flats need to be yours

5. How to get your spring break bod

6. You will wear this top all spring/summer long

7. This dress would be so cute to wear

8. How to let go of negative thoughts

9. Why I’m done with dressing down- amen!

10. Love Katie’s tips on making good friends and meeting new people