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“and to wake up, knowing that God is on my side, is enough.”

Happy Friday! I am finally out of hibernation (see yesterday’s post) and ready to put on my my my my my boogie shoes! Since I slept my life away last week, I am a ball of energy this week. I dialed that energy into working out, but saved some for whatever happens after I stuff my face with chips and guac and lots of margs today. Happy Cinco de Mayo!

I am pretty excited for this weekend. Tomorrow is my roommate’s birthday and she is having a party at a bar downtown. I am hoping the weather stays nice for it, but I think it is suppose to rain. Bummer. The party will still be fun! Sunday I am going to another one of ModelFIT’s Wellness series events. I have really been enjoying them and learn a lot from it. It is nice to take a break from the norm and learn about something I may not know about– like meditation, our energy, chakras. It has been very helpful and fun to go to. This might be the first Derby in years that I will be watching without a fancy hat on and a bright Lilly dress. I LOVE the Kentucky Derby and will still watch it from wherever I am

This past week I stopped by Crowns by Christy’s to visit my friends Christy and Victoria (who does their PR). This is the first time I have been to their studio/office and I have to tell you, it is an Instagram goldmine and major office inspo. Everything was pink with florals and super cute decor. I didn’t want to leave! Crowns by Christy is a boss of a company. They create floral arrangements (and crowns!) for events, parties, and so on. I met Christy and Victoria earlier this year and I have been enjoying getting to know them over the past few months. They are such sweet girls!

If you are unfamiliar with them, get familiar they are awesome.

Also this past week I met with my friend Sam, from The New York Blonde, for brunch at Laudree in Soho. We also met earlier this year,  instantly clicked and became friends. We had the best time catching up yesterday talking about business, our personal lives and some fun stuff we have in store for the future. I really do think it is so important to surround yourself with positive, mind and business-like people who share your passions and will support you. I am starting to have a great group of blogging friends here in New York and I am so happy about it. I had an amazing group in Columbus and was nervous I was not going to find what I had at home here in NYC. It seems as though I have!

Hope you have a wonderful weekend xo

1. Every look from the Met Gala

2. Inside the Met Gala

3. How cute is this dress?!

4. Try one of  these tasty margarita recipes this summer

5. How nauli is this?

6. For warm summer days that turn into nights

7. How to maintain a friendship when you’re in different life stages

8. How to read nutrition labels according to 15 healthy foodies

9. Your go-to top of the summer

10. Swear like a mother