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 I guess we are really doing this, the dry patch on my chin and me. We are sticking with each other until summer apparently. Just me and my dry spot…. strolling down the avenue (Judy Garland.. no?). Anyway, I am basically bathing in Vaseline and any moisturizer I can get my hands on right now, and avoiding life.  When someone walks by and they slightly glance my way I scream “IT’S A DRY SPOT BUDDY”. This only happens if I decide to actually leave the house and forget to wrap my face with a scarf.  Clearly I am not being dramatic about it at all……

My dry spot does look a lot better than it did a few weeks ago thanks to Hey Day. Still it’s there, haunting me.  I will be taking another trip to the spa for a facial very soon. In fact I will be visiting quit often until winter is over. If it is still an issue in a month I will be scheduling an appointment with my Dermatologist to make sure I haven’t developed psoriasis or eczema— per orders of my Facialist. Lets hope it is just dry skin because having either/or will just be faannntastic….. In the meantime, however, I will be using the following products to help my poor skin (used in the past and currently) from the winter blues.
