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“Don’t ever be sorry for loving the way your heart knows how”

Happy Friday!! If the above picture of Cookie the mini poodle does not put you in a good mood, then I don’t know what will. This past week was not as eventful as the previous weeks but all in all still lovely. The rainy weather has put me in a all I want to do is wrap myself up in my duvet covers and watch movies type of mood. Don’t worry, I still went out and socialized.

On Wednesday morning I started my personal training with TroupeFit at my apartment. TroupeFit makes working out accessible to you. What you do is book a time that is suitable for your schedule and choose your location– apartment,  apartment gym, office, etc. and a personal trainer will come to you with all the equipment needed. For types of workouts you have a choice between general training, yoga, and pilates. For my first session I decided to do general training. My instructor Jacqueline was so sweet and we had a lot in common with us both being dancers. My left shoulder has been inflamed for a few weeks now making it a little tough for me to do certain exercises. Jacqueline gave me exercises that tailored around my semi hurt shoulder. Even though I work from home and have time to hit the gym whenever, I want that one on one attention. There are some things I want to  work on and a few personal training sessions are what I currently want right now for my fitness journey. I know I can get personal training anywhere in the city, but TroupeFit is affordable and I can book a session that suites my time. This also means I do not have an excuse to skip out if it’s raining or snowing.

Wednesday evening I attended a yoga + chocolate event with La Maison du Chocolat. To be honest I have never heard of nor tried La Maison chocolates before, but when you say chocolate I jump. They had me at taste our chocolates. The yoga part was amazing too. It’s been a few weeks since I have taken a yoga class and I really needed to stretch. I was like Gumby or Stretch Armstrong, I felt amazing afterwards. Finally after the sweat session we were able to try the chocolates. They had different flavors like green apple, pomegranate, peach, turmeric, and more. So they were healthy chocolates, and very good!

This weekend I have two birthday celebrations and two workout events to attend. My first workout event is tonight with Body by Simone. I am taking an advance cardio class with the theme being hip hop. It is going to be fun but I am also going to wish for my death. Sunday my friends Natalie and Sarah, from City Fit Life, are hosting a workout class at Project by Equinox to raise money for Achilles NYC– a nonprofit that supports athletes with disabilities.  To say that I am excited for this workout is an understatement. I can not wait!! It is going to be so much fun. I have taken classes from both Sarah and Natalie before so I know they are going to kick our butts into shape!

Besides my workout events and birthday celebrations my week has been pretty relaxing. I have already ruined Lent. I did not give anything up this year– I can’t eat bread, I gave up alcohol in January, and  I just threw away all of my skincare products, I think I have suffered enough in the name of the lord. So this year I wanted to add something to my life. I wanted to write 3 pages of what I am grateful for and appreciate everyday. Unfortunately this has not been the case. I have already forgot to do it a few times, and it’s only been a week. I tired! Even though I failed Lent I am still going to write in my little journal when I can remember.


Have a wonderful weekend! XO



1. Where do figure skating costumes come from

2. Get this vaca dress now before it’s sold out!

3. The cutest way to pack for the beach 

4. Biggest dramas and scandals in figure skating

5. Best street styles from London Fashion

6. American food vs. French food

7. This sweater is only $18!!

8. The new must have earrings 

9. Keeping up with Jenna Lyons

10. What to do in New York on St. Patrick’s day