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I believe that even though we are out of school it does not mean we can not learn something new. Years ago one of my friends father was in the news about how he still takes college courses in different subjects to continue learning. It really stuck with me that the our education does not stop and should not stop just because we received our college diploma. You do not have to go register for a class or completely change your career path, all you have to do is find something simple you are interested in. Throughout the years since then I have tried to learn new skills. Even if I do not excel in it, I still try. I take online courses to learn marketing or graphic designs. I download apps to learn a new language. I enrolled in an online nutrition school for a year and became a certified health coach. In college I took piano lessons to refresh my memory. And last year I took tennis lessons. It was something that I have been interested in doing for a few years. I really enjoyed playing and it is something that I will continue to do for fun.

The other day I had lunch with Emily from Empire Style of Mind. During our lunch she was telling me how she studied photography in college but hasn’t really picked up the camera as much as would like to. She is trying to get back into it] and learn new skills. She recently went to Montana for a seminar in photography. It really had me thinking about getting back into photography as well, but what will be my next skill to attempt to learn. I have a running list such as a cooking class or learn to play golf, but what has really been on my mind is to paint. Yes I know how to paint, art was one of my favorite subject in school. I want to take a course in painting to open my creativity and do something I used to love to do. I am also taking an online course to learn graphic design. It’s important to me to keep learning, keep growing. Each year I want to tackle and attempt a new skill or knowledge.

If you are interested in learning something new, here is a list of ideas!

adult learning ideas
