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“One day, all of the love you’ve given away will find it’s way back to you, and it will finally stay”

-The Good Quote

Happy Friday!! Wow April has been busy– but a good kind of busy! Last weekend was jammed packed with events. Friday night I went to the Major League Baseball’s Opening Night Food Fest event. There were 30 different food venders representing each major league team. The food (what I could eat) was amazing and they had fun things to do like a pool of balls or a giant hotdog seesaw. I had the best time!

Last weekend, which you may know from my blog post here, I went to Beautycon as Olay’s guest. It was insane but I still had a good time. There were, I believe, 150 vendors and each room had it’s own theme: make up room, health and wellness/main stage area, and salonarea. The attendees ranged from 4 year olds to 50 year old women and men. The first day I spent walking around to each booth. I didn’t participate in all of it as there were, inevitably, lines. Fun things I did do were getting my hair curled, painted my hand (it came off right away with Ponds makeup cream remover), created a personalized nail polish, lots of photo opts like swings, pool of balls, slides, boomerangs. Sometimes it all felt too much– too many people, too much noise. Luckily since I was a guest of a company I was allowed in the VIP room and backstage. I spent most of my time there on Sunday escaping the noise. There were panel discussions happening all day but the only ones I sat down for were Paris Hilton (who I am very impressed by), Lucy Hale, Zendaya, Danielle Brooks, and Glam Master team. I think listening to the panelists was my favorite part of the entire weekend. What they had to say about getting rid of toxic people and being yourself was a great reminder. Beautycon was an experience and one that I am happy I was able to have. I had a great time exploring new products and meeting people.

Monday I had a god awful migraine. In the morning I felt a little nauseous and weak but I thought it was from a busy previous week. I had a workout at 11am and my plan all along was to shop for new athletic shoes. Since my workout was at Bandier I wanted to start with Reebok first and then work my way up to Bandier. I walked to Reebox but was a little too early before they opened at 10am, so I sat in Union Square Park in the shade. I kept feeling faint and tired. As it got closer to 10am I decided to walk towards the store but the second I stepped into the sunlight I thought I was going to faint. My vision was blurry and my body felt so weak. I honestly do not remember walking to Bandier. I skipped shopping and went straight to my workout where I took a 15 minute nap on the studio floor. Ha. At this point I knew it was a migraine so I told the front desk people I was leaving, went straight home and laid in bed with the lights off for the rest of the day– except when I went to CVS to get medicine. Thank goodness I did not have any events on Monday or major deadlines. I did as little of work as I possibly could but mostly slept. The next day I felt a million times better!

Wednesday morning I had breakfast with Draper James and Crate and Barrel. It was a rainy morning but I had a great time mingling and eating yummy southern food. Unfortunately Reese Witherspoon was not there and my life is not complete. Wednesday night I went to the Moët Moment Film Festival at the Metrograph theater in LES. I went with a friend of mine to the event. We watched the top 12 contestants out of 500 entries, plus the winners– which was a tie. The theme this year was celebrate. Each film was only 60 seconds long and had to tell an entire story around the theme. I was very impressed by each film, so much talent. The two films that won; one was about immigration and getting your green card, the other was a true story of the film directors mother who beat cancer. After the showings there was a cocktail reception. I had a blast and loved seeing other peoples creative work and the different interpretations on celebrating. It was a lovely time! Of course at the end of the evening my friend and I realized the movie theater candy was on Moët so we raided it to take home….. not sorry.

Did you get a chance to stop by Vanity Fair Lingerie’s pop up in Herald Square? I stopped by early in the morning. They had meditation pods where you sat in a massage chair and listened to Headspace. I never wanted to leave the room. They also had bra fittings and a chance to learn about their new collection of breathable bras that are honestly so comfortable! They lucked out with great weather too! I spent the rest of the day running errands and working out. I couldn’t attend any of my Bandier classes this week but I did go back to Orange Theory. I haven’t been there in a few months.

Today I am going to YouTube studio for a special project that I am SO excited to share with you once it’s out! It’s been a goal of mine to be a part of this project. I realized I wanted to work on this project, put it out to the universe, then a week later it came true.  How I stumbled upon it is really serendipitous– I was at the right place at the right time with the right people. Stay tuned!

I do not have any events or plans this weekend and I am so happy for it. The past few weeks have been crazy and next weekend is the Kentucky Derby/Cinco de Mayo. I need a relaxing weekend with no real agenda. I do have a lot of things to do with my room since it looks like a disaster zone. I also have errands to run that I’ve been neglecting for the past week. I will probably hang out with my friends for dinner or brunch. Whatever the weekend takes me. Hopefully the weather is nice so I can walk around, maybe go for a run along the Westside Highway. I will be going to church on Sunday. I haven’t been since Easter so I’d like to go.


Hope you have a wonderful weekend!! XO

1. The Royal baby has been named!

2. How fab is Andrea from A Slice o’ Pi

3. Love this cute sweater!

4. Why being social is healthy

5. Your Gmail nightmares are over

6. A must have bow top

7. The perfect Derby dress

8. Veggie packed dinners to make 

9. Everything you need to know about energy work

10. Ambassadors share the one book to read before visiting their country
