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“Start over, my darling. Be brave enough to find the life you want and courageous enough to chase it. Then start over and love yourself the way you were always meant to.”

-Madalyn Beck

Happy Friday!! This week went by so fast, unlike last week when I thought it would never end. Not much happened this past week but I felt as if I didn’t have enough time in the day to accomplish everything I wanted to do. I still need to get shelves for my room (why am I putting this off I don’t know), and I didn’t do any of my graphic design online class.I’ll get to it soon enough!  I did have time this morning to go the H&M flagship store on 5th to see the Met Gala dresses that are on display.  A friend of mine created the exhibit so I went to support her, plus I wanted to see the dresses. H&M created Lili Reinhart and Olivia Munn’s just to name a few.

I am completely obsessed with the Met Gala. The first Monday of May is always one of my favorite days of the year. I live to see all of the beautiful, outrageous, and creative dresses the celebrities wear. I thought this year’s Heavenly Bodies theme was by far the best I have seen in years. Everyone looked incredible!! Some of my favorites were Rihanna, Kate Bosworth, Amanda Seyfried, Haliee Steinfeld, Jared Leto and Lana Del Rey trio group. Of course Blake Lively wins for best dressed. My jaw hit the floor and I started to thank god for blessing us with this entire look. Stunning!!

I was Met Gala hungover for the next fews days, I couldn’t get enough of it. Don’t worry I didn’t sit in front of my computer all day looking at the outfits over and over again….. or did I? I left my computer at home Tuesday evening to go to the Dance Body studio opening event in NoMad. Their new studio (and first one!) is beautiful. I have taken a few classes from them over the past year at the Tribeca location which is in a rented dance studio. It’s amazing to see how much they have grown! For the event we did a normal class of 30 minutes of dance cardio (choreographed dances) and 30 minutes sculpting. They had me wear wrist weights the entire time… ok I volunteered as tribute. It was surprisingly not as difficult as I thought it was going to be but my arms were pretty sore the next day. I had so much fun at the event– dancing, working out! I can’t wait to go back.

The rest of my week was nothing to write home about. As you know from my post earlier this week I started the Keto diet last Monday. There are a few things I have noticed so far: my digestion is a lot better, I am always hungry (I do not eat enough fats) and eating only 25g of carbs is hard to do! On Tuesday night I didn’t eat dinner because of the Dance Body event. Through my years as a dancer I know I personally can’t eat beforehand, and by the time I got home from the event it was 9:30pm. Which is too late for me to eat a big meal (I have a small snack). I calculated my food intake for the day on my Keto app and I STILL went over by a few grams! It’s crazy. I know it’s because I eat blueberries still in the morning which is roughly about 11g of carbs. I love blueberries and think they hold a lot of healthy benefits so am keeping them in my diet. What I do love about being on Keto is that I am getting back into cooking. I have spent most of this week meal prepping/ cooking which has really been enjoyable. I am not sure if I have lost any weight since I did not weigh myself beforehand. I can roughly estimate how much I weigh though. I did, however, take a mirrored before picture– which is hidden and will never surface the internet. I do wish I measured myself because I find that to be more telling than pounds. Muscle weighs more; someone who is 120lbs can look not as fit as someone who is 120lbs and no body fat. Anyway, I am enjoying being on Keto and am excited to really dive into new recipes.

This weekend I am heading to Brooklyn for my friend’s birthday party. She rented out an event space for an intimate cocktail attire dinner. I am so excited for her party! Last weekend I went to Brooklyn to celebrate Cinco de Mayo at my friend’s boyfriend’s apartment. Back to back weekends in Brooklyn– new me, who this? Anyway, I had a lot of fun last weekend and ended the evening sitting on the back patio talking to a few people until the late hours of the night. It was exactly the kind of night I needed! Good food, good people, and good conversations. This week is going to be the same!

Hope you have a wonderful weekend! xo


1. Watch Blake Lively get ready for the Met Gala

2. The religious artwork that inspired a few Met Gala outfits

3. Currently want: this pink skirt

4. How to host the ultimate Royal wedding viewing party

5. The perfect dress to wear to a wedding

6. What to do on Mother’s Day that cost practically nothing

7. Healthy Keto recipes to make

8. Spring clean your financial goals

9. It’s time to toss these items from your closet right now

10. The cutest jumpsuit for under $100

