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“Art is how we decorate space, music is how we decorate time”

– Jean-Michel Basquiat

Happy Friday and happy almost 4th of July!! I am heading home to Columbus on Monday for a week to celebrate the 4th with my family and to see Taylor Swift!!! I CAN NOT WAIT!! Taylor is going to be amazing! I hope she brings someone on stage with her. Last time she was in Columbus she did not have anyone make a surprise cameo. If I could choose someone I am hoping either Ed Sheeran, Justin Timberlake, or John Legend (he is from Ohio). We will see!

This past week I did not have a single event to go to. As much as I love attending events it was so to have time to do things that I’ve been neglecting like getting my hair done, working on sponsored post that are due soon, revise my Media Kit, send out pitches to brands, do two photo-shoots before the holiday, etc.  The week was calmer than previous, giving me a recharge before the holiday.

One of the things that I did this week that I’ve been trying to go to for a while is the Downton Abbey Exhibition. Downton Abbey is one of my all-time favorite shows. I spent two hours in the exhibit reading every description and historical reference, and looking at every last detail. The exhibit is nicely put together and I  learned a lot about that time period in Europe. For those of you who may have never seen Downton Abbey (we can’t be friends) , the series is about a wealthy aristocratic family of Lord Grantham. The series starts the day the Titanic sank and goes through the changes aristocratic families of the time period went through because of social progression. This is mostly due to the two wars, women’s rights movement, man made money, American influences, and so on. It’s the struggle between the older generation still wearing corsets and biding by aristocratic  tradition and the new generation of shorter hemlines and embracing new technology and medicine. The exhibition goes into more detail about this era and comparing characters to real situations and people during that time. They also had the actual costumes the characters wore throughout the 6 seasons– all of which are beautiful and stunning! If you have a chance definitely go to the exhibit! I am not sure how much longer it will be open.

Last weekend my mom was in town to visit.  I love showing my family when they are here to visit what my life is like, new restaurants for them to try, and places to show them so they understand what I am talking about on the phone. We didn’t have anything planned really except visit the MET Museum for the MET Gala exhibition, Heavenly Bodies” Fashion and the Catholic Imagination”. SO beautiful! The entire exhibit is breathtaking. One portion of the exhibit is current designers interpretation on religious influence on fashion– so angels, priest, Joan of Arc, etc. Another portion of the exhibit was actual garments and accessories from the Vatican (all located in the Anna Wintour Costume Center). The intricate detailing of the garments is stunning. The holy ones really knew how to dress back then.

Besides the museum we went shopping, walked around South Street Seaport (my mom has not seen it since before Hurricane Sandy), and went to a movie. We saw “Ocean’s 8”, fitting because of our trip to the museum. “Ocean’s 8” was really good! I loved it!

This weekend I have an event on Saturday with the American Ballet Theatre. Those of you may not know,  I used to work for ABT in their Educational and Community Outreach Department. Tomorrow they are having a mini reunion of past employees. I am excited to see my old co-workers and to see the performance of Don Quixote. Usually during ballet season I attend each performance of ABT. Since I have been so busy this year I haven’t had the time to see any of them, which makes me so sad because they performed 2 of my favorite ballets: Romeo and Juliet and Swan Lake. However, I have actually have never seen Don Quixote so in a way it makes up for it. Gillian Murphy will play the lead part of Kitri, the daughter of the inns-keeper. Murphy is one of my favorite principle dancers at ABT! She is amazing! Ah I can’t wait!

Other than my night at the Met Opera House I have nothing else planned this weekend except for packing for the 4th of July,  working out, and running last minute errands!


Have a wonderful weekend XO


1. Get to know one of my favorite people– Ashley Nelson

2. Love this cute front tie dress

3. How cute is Carly and Lauren with their Draper James 4th of July breakfast

4. Your new go-to summer dress

5. I am dying to get these heels!

6. The Color Factory is heading to NYC

7. The best beaches up and down the east coast

8. Resumes with these 5 qualities get the most attention

9. Quick and easy 4th of July party recipe ideas

10. This list of 50 badass women will inspire you