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“your biggest commitment must always be to yourself”

-Bridget Devoue

Happy Friday!! The lazy days of summer are over and I am back to being busy. I do not mind being busy but I do need help. There are a few (amazing) changes that are happening in my life that I need an extra hand, especially during the busiest season and while I figure out my groove.  If you haven’t seen my post from any of my social media accounts– I am looking for an Intern to hire for the duration of beginning of September to mid-December. See details here. Anyway, this past week was more about spending hours on my computer than attending events. I actually enjoy these types of days when I can get as much work done as possible. I feel more accomplished and relaxed. Most of those days were spent sending out NYFW request (I am, thankfully, finished!), writing and creating blog post, searching for fashion week outfits to wear, and more. All in all it was a good week and I was in a great mood.

This past week attended the 3rd Instagram Masterclass at Facebook. These classes, although very informative, have been surging my creativity. There is so much content I want to create now! Another fun event I attended was a press preview at the Michele Marie PR showroom. Press previews are a way to see what brands have in store for their upcoming collection. It is also a great way to discover a new brand that you may not have heard of. Even if the brand does not match my personal style, I still love to see new collections. You never know what you may like!

Remember a few weeks ago I talked about how I wasn’t feeling well and have been getting tested by different doctors? Well we are still not 100% sure what was going on, and if something is still going on. I have to get another blood sample test and hopefully we will know more. Thankfully turned out to not be life threatening as we originally thought. Basically a month ago I was extremely fatigued, had a headache, loss of appetite, muscle ache, sore throat, and stomach ache. I thought it was a cold or a little virus, so didn’t think much of it. Just slept it off. But then I started to notice a little rash on my hands. Normally I get a few heat bumps on my hands during the summer, so I brushed it off as that. Then I woke up one day and my entire hands, elbows, and thighs, were covered in a rash (with one spot on my foot). It was a rash I have never seen before (it also was not contagious so don’t worry if you saw me in July). Since it was on a weekend I ran straight over to urgent care. They drew blood to be tested and told me to schedule an appointment with my dermatologist for further examining. The urgent care doctor was concern it was rocky mountain spotted fever. A virus you get from a tic… a deadly virus. Either death or it will inflame my organs and would have to be hospitalized for a few days to be monitored. This also ties into the symptoms I had the week before. She thought that since I was still living and walking, we could of have caught the virus early. Well I spent the rest of the weekend thinking the worst. Of course I turned to Dr. Google for help and looked at many different case scenarios of rashes plus my symptoms. There are cases of spotted fever in NYC– I could of have gotten the tic bite from a dog. I pet random dogs all of the time, so that definitely is a possibility. Oh I should mention a few weeks prior to all of this I did have a wicked bug bite. So the possibility of a tic bite seemed pretty accurate. Anyway, I went to see my derma a few days later and she insured me that it was not rocky mountain spotted fever. Thank god! I do have a virus of some sort that has caused to me break out in a rash .She wanted me to come back in a few weeks for a biopsy.  A day later I got my blood test results that said my IGM is positive and my IGG was negative. IGM and IGG are our body’s natural antibiotics, with IGM being the first of defenders. Since it was positive it means that there is a virus going on in my body. I have to go back to get another blood test to make sure my IGG (the chronic antibiotic) is still negative, and my IGM is back to being negative. If my IGG is positive then we will have to go on from there and figure out our next step. My rash cleared up within two weeks, so I do not need to get a biopsy. I still have a loss of appetite and some fatigue, which I am concerned about. I was pretty scared during all of this, and pretty dramatic about it too.  I thought of all of the things I haven’t done yet and things I wanted to do– get married, have kids, go to Paris, etc. I am happy it seems to be nothing too serious. We will see how my second blood test goes, but I am confident I am just fine.

Exciting news! I got another job! I am working as a Roommate Matchmaker for a startup company called Perfect Strangers. The job kind of fell into my lap. I was leisurely looking for freelance positions (taking over social media, writing a blog post here and there) and stumbled upon this in the Dreamer/Doers group on Facebook. I looked over the position and the company and immediately emailed Sarah the CEO and Founder of the startup. Had two interviews within days and was offered the position earlier this week. I started shadowing yesterday and will continue to do some training next week before I officially start… just in time for NYFW (help me).  I will be helping people find apartments and finding roommates in the Chelsea/ Hudson Yards/ West Village/ Greenwich areas. Basically a realtor but slightly different. So what does this mean for Blush and Blooms? Absolutely nothing!  My blog is doing better than ever and I am going to continue devoting the same amount of time to it and growing it! What is beautiful about this new job is that it is remote and I make my own hours. I already have people coming to me for apartment searches so why not make it more official and make money doing it. With that being said I also know how hard it is to find apartments around here. I moved here not knowing really anyone. I have done the whole Craigslist thing, been set up by friends of a friend,  lived in a studio apartment. I have done it all. So if I can somehow help others go through this experience a little bit more seamlessly, then sign me up! I enjoy getting to know people and helping people out, so this position is perfect for me. I am also going to be blogging every once in a while for the company which I am excited to do as well. Taking my 12 hour days to 15 hours….awesome… hence the wanted Intern to take over time consuming duties of my blog.  I need to figure out my groove with the two full-time positions and while I do so I need an extra hand.

Today I have a photoshoot then I am off to the Hamptons for the weekend!! I am so excited to get out of the city and enjoy Southampton. The reason for me going, besides getting out of the city, is to attend the Purewow Influencer Appreciation event.  I am so excited for it! Hopefully the rain holds off until Sunday so we can be outside, enjoying the weather! Next week is my birthday, so I am ready for a full week of celebrations!!!

Hope you have a wonderful week xo


1. So proud of my friend Caroline!!

2. My favorite leggings are back!

3. These are the real ‘crazy rich asians’

4. The most perfect skirt for fall

5. Brandon Maxwell’s fall ad campaign stars his 81yr old grandmother 

6. You will wear these tan booties all of the time 

7. Jennifer Lawrence interviews Emma Stone

8. Difference between how men and women sleep

9. How to stop being a people-pleaser

10. Aretha Franklin’s most iconic live performances