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“maybe true happiness is when we are happy with ourselves”


Happy Friday!! It is a special day here on B&B as today is my birthday! Another year older, another year wiser, and another year still feeling good! My birthday celebration started last night with a few friends of mine with drinks at Bar Hugo. The weather was amazing, the sunset was beautiful, and I had the best time with my friends. Today my parents fly into town for the weekend to celebrate. We have plans to go to the Polo Bar for dinner, see Carousel the musical, shop till my dad gets bored, and just see where life takes us. I am happy to spend the weekend with my parents and to celebrate my birthday with them. Like I said on yesterday’s post, I kept forgetting about my birthday as I have a million things to do with NFYW coming up and starting a new job. My birthday was sadly on the back burner. Now that it is here I am excited about celebrating and glad to spend time with my family and friends.

This past week was all about celebrating, but not just my birthday. Tuesday night I went to the The Seville to celebrate my friend Caroline’s first book launch!! Caroline’s book, Making It In Manhattan, is about her journey in fashion, as well as tips on making it in the industry. I am SO proud of her and can’t wait to read the book! You can purchase the book here. The launch party was lots of fun; met some wonderful people, played in a room filled with balloons, and hung out with my friends. It was a lovely evening and I couldn’t be happier for Caroline and her success!!

Wednesday was the last of the Instagram Masterclass at their HQ. I have really enjoyed learning more about app. these past 4 weeks and been feeling inspired to step up my Insta game.  Also this past week I hired my first employee!! I can’t wait to introduce Olivia, my new intern, to all of you! We met this past week for an interview and just clicked. She is going to be a HUGE help to me during fashion week and I am so excited to have her on board. Also I can’t believe I have an employee!! Crazy to think!

This coming week is the calm before the storm that is fashion week. I have last minute outfits to get and details to lock down. My schedule is still up in the air as invites slowly roll in. I want to spend as much time this week relaxing and getting my mind focused and ready. I will be spending most of it reading and working out…. and watching To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before a million more times, can’t get enough of it.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend XO


1. Just 42 questions about To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before

2. Currently wanting this green dress

3. How cool are these earrings (and under $30!)

4. This blouse is so beautiful

5. Workout with only a jump rope and Amanda Kloots

6. New York men described by subway lines

7. Why nostalgia may be weighing you down

8. Why tennis is dominating the fashion world

9.Yummy Brussels sprout recipes

10. Female businesses owner rates are up 3000%