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“treat your mind like a garden”

-The Moon Tarot

Happy Friday!!! Only a few(ish) more hours then it’s the weekend, thank goodness……. am I right?! At least we have another Royal wedding to obsessively look at today to get us to the end of the work week. Princess Eugenie looks pretty and I am loving the long train and the tiara! Everyone else looks fabulous, especially Kate (like always). Now cue Gary Janetti hilarious memes!

If you read yesterday’s post, this week was a semi of a bummer. I originally was planning to move into a studio apartment in November, but after looking and being told by numerous people, this isn’t the best time for the market. There was slim pickings and they weren’t looking pretty. So I am staying in my current apartment (which I do love and love the location) until the beginning of next year. Things always happen for a reason, so I have faith that my wait will bring me something much better than I expected; like meeting a prince and moving to Europe like Meghan Markle 😉

The only event I attended this past week was with Shape Magazine. Held this past Wednesday, the full-morning event was at Project by Equinox. First we got our hair done by Tresemme then the Q&A with world renowned fitness and wellness coach Adam Rosante, then took a class from Jabs by Gina. I really enjoyed the day and had a lot of fun. Adam’s talk was great! I asked a few questions about nutrition and life in general. The key, he says, to everything is simplicity and consistency. That is how you get results. I am someone who likes to try new things and tend to leap from one thing to another quickly, so this is something that I need to do; cut out all of the excess noise and simplify what I am doing. Jabs by Gina was also great! I really enjoyed her class! It was so different from anything that I’ve done. It’s boxing movements set choreographically using weights, steps, and your own body. It was hard but fun! I can’t wait to go back!

Wednesday evening I did a fun photoshoot with my friends, Sarah and Natalie, from City Fit Life. I have a collaboration coming up that involves them that I am excited to share with you! After the shoot we headed over to Chelsea Market to Le Song for happy hour and to catch up!

Today I am heading to Lauren by Ralph Lauren’s Spring Press Preview event. I am excited to see the new collection and mingle with some of my friends. Tonight I am suppose to go to the Museum of Pizza’s opening event but may skip it as I have to show an apartment during that time and am lazy in going to Brooklyn for only an hour. We will see, I may change my tune later today. Other than my pizza my weekend is pretty clear, I have nothing on the agenda which is nice!

Have a great weekend xo


1. Someone made a Harry Potter dance and didn’t ask me to be a part of it…. #upset

2. Want this classic sweater in all colors

3. This blazer is on my ‘want’ list

4. Getting to know Lili Reinhart 

5. Obsessing over these cute bow mule

6. How to style your front porch this season

7.Ralph Lauren on his global empire’s 50th anniversary

8. What has Jenna Lyons been up to since she left J.Crew 

9. Easy healthy salsa to whip up in minutes

10. Everything you need to know about the Met Gala 2019










