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“Believe in what you pray for”

Happy Friday!! Thank goodness it’s the weekend. There is a lot going on right now and I am trying to get everything done before I leave in almost a week for Thanksgiving. I am going home for 10 luxurious days of laziness, home cooked meals, playtime with my niece, shopping with my mom, spending time with my family and friends, and of course T-Day. I am very excited to head home!

After going home for one night last weekend to see the Elton John concert with my mom, I spent Sunday and Monday catching up on emails. The Elton John concert was one of THE BEST concerts I have ever been to! He sang all of my favorite songs. It seemed like 85% of the audience was sitting down for most of the concert, probably because it was a older crowd, but my mom and I danced the entire time. We had a blast! At the end they were showing old videos of past performances as he sang “Goodbye Yellow Brick Road”– I got a little emotional, it’s sad to see it all end. He is an incredible artist and has had an amazing career. I feel so lucky and grateful to have seen him play live. My mom on the other hand has seen him a few time; one time was with Billy Joel…. I’ve never been more jealous.

After calming down from being on cloud 9 due to the concert, this week has been work work work. Tuesday I had an interview/audition call with a casting director. I can’t say what it is for just yet. It may end up being nothing or it may end up being something big. I am just going to ride the waves and what is meant to be will be. The call, however, was a great experience. The woman I was speaking to was coaching me through everything. She would feed me lines and have been recite them in different ways (emotional ways). It was educational, so if I ever want to do YouTube or to be on camera for something I am ready.

Wednesday morning I have a photoshoot with Olive and Bette’s to be featured on the home page of their website. We shot all around Central Park and the Upper West Side. It was such a nice day out and the parked looked beautiful with all of the fall foliage. I snapped lots of pictures to capture it all, knowing the leaves will probably be dead soon.

Wednesday night I attended a holiday event with Avon. We were able to test their new holiday line while picking things out to gift to our loved ones. It was a fun event and I was able to catch up with some people I have not seen in a while. After Avon I went over to Brooklyn for the Amazon Fashion fall event. It’s sorta strange right now when half of my events are decorated for the holidays and the other half is still doing fall. Anyway, the Amazon event was a fun one as well. They had spiked apple cider that you would drink from out of a carved apple. Thought it was very Martha Stewart of them! They also had pumpkin soup shooters (not a drink), that I could NOT STOP EATING. The soup was so good! For the event we got to meet a few of Amazon Fashion’s team while looking at some of their fall collection. They also gifted us a fall item– I got this sweater in grey from French Connection.

Thursday I had another photoshoot for my upcoming adidas campaign. After shooting I went to lunch with Emily and Ashley at Bluestone Lane; one of my favorite lunch/brunch spots. That evening I went to Kiehl’s Gifting Workshop Pop-up store in soho for their event. They partnered with Feed America last night so whatever was bought a portion went to the charity, and how many social media pictures were posted Kiehl;s would donate a dollar to the charity as well. It’s nice to give back in anyway possible. The event was festive and we went home with a Kiehl’s advent calendar that I am excited to do!

Today I am supposed to have another photoshoot (3 in one week.. yikes!), unfortunately we had to cancel it due to the weather. A part of me is glad to not have to go through another shoot but the other part of me wants more content/work. Well, it is a good thing because my couch does arrive today and I was nervous that it would be delivered when I am not here. See how things just work out! Tonight I am attending the Moncler x Elle x Harper’s Bazaar x Esquire x Town and Country event. I think it is going to be a good one!

This weekend I have a lot going on. Tomorrow I am attending a DanceBody class in their new Tribeca studio!! I am excited to help kick off their new adventure and to see the new studio. If you want to try DanceBody use code DBMAGGIE50 for 50% off your first class. Sunday I have a Friendsgiving dinner to attend. I am making herb balsamic roasted carrots. Then after dinner I am heading to a bar to celebrate another friend’s birthday! It is going to be a fun weekend!!!


1. Emily Blunt fills in for Anna Wintour as Vogue’s Editor in Chief

2. To wear to a holiday party 

3. Guess who just launched a home collection?

4. A history of the Victoria Secret fashion show

5. Oh I am in love with this coat

6. How to afford the life you want in 2019

7. Baked pear pastries

8. 25 things more important than Instagram likes

9. To all the guests I’ve loved before

10. How to spot the early signs your new skin-care regime is working