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faux fur jacket  // feather mule // satin silk skirt // white turtleneck c/o // evening clutch

This winter I am trying to break out of the norm of wearing all black and playing around with lighter colors for the season. A few of those colors are white, silver, and blush. A combination that would easily lead your mind to think of spring or summer. Now I am introducing it to the cold season. This is a look that I can wear all year round– well maybe not my faux fur coat in the summer, but you get the point. I can wear each item individually or together throughout each season.

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faux fur jacket  // feather mule // silk skirt // white turtleneck c/o // evening clutch

Each garment item I have been coveting…. more like lusting over the last few months. This faux fur coat was high on my list of wants. I even put it on my Christmas List, but the stars aligned and I got it a few weeks ago. This satin silk skirt is another item I have been searching for. To my surprise this skirt is very comfortable and giving, yet still form fitting. I am planning on wearing it for Christmas Eve with either a blouse or a sweater. These feather mules are what my dreams are made of. I couldn’t resist buying them. Look how pretty they are! I have been enjoying styling them with different outfits, trying to utilize them until I can no longer wear them for the season. But I know I can easily pull them out for spring and summer.

Wearing lighter colors for the winter is not an unknown trend, but for me it is something that I am trying to do more of. Whether it’s blush, silver, white, or even red I want to bring a little color to this cold season.