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A new year comes with new books to read! Last year I shamefully did not read as much as I would of have liked to. So far this year I am doing pretty well… all 10 days in. I finished Still Me  that I have been reading since November and started Crazy Rich Asians. This year I want to try and read a new book or two each month. Spend time reading instead of watching another episode of Friends. Ok, so I watch Friends everyday— how can I not, it’s the best show ever! Anyway, I throughly enjoy reading, getting lost in a good book. Here are 3 (technically 5) books that are on my reading list.


crazy rich asians

After seeing the movie Crazy Rich Asians I knew I needed to read the trilogy. The book is always better than the movie right? I am currently 100 pages into the first book and can’t seem to put it down. It goes more in-depth into the live of the characters and their background; especially the Young, Leong, Cheng, T’sien family which the movie obviously leaves out for time purposes. The book isn’t just about Nicky and Rachel’s relationship, it showcases everyones lives. I have even learned a little Chinese/ Cantonese– ah ma means grandmother, alamak or lah is an expression like “oh my god”.. and so on. It’s a really interesting book. I am happy I saw the movie first as I do love it and may not appreciate it as much if I had read the book first. I am excited to continue the story through the trilogy and follow this interesting family and the love between Nicky and Rachel.



 Haunted by the death of their mother, who threw herself off of a cliff shortly after their birth, The Au Pair is a thrilling story of Seraphine and her twin brother Danny. Years later when their father passes away, Seraphine discovers a photo of their mother that changes everything she has ever thought about her mother and the twins life. As she digs further into the past, she starts to discover things. The Au Pair seems like a book you just can’t put down because you have to know what will happen next. When I first read the blurb The Haunting of Hill House came to mind, family being haunted by the death of their mother, but I believe The Au Pair is not about ghost in the attic. It’s more about figuring out what really happened and finding the truth.


one day in december

Part of Reese Witherspoons book club, One Day in December is about fate, love, and friendship. Laurie, while riding the bus one day, sees a man standing out on the street. Laurie instantly knows he is the one, but never gets the chance to introduce herself as her bus drives off. For the next year Laurie searches for this man, believing they are destined to be together. They finally meet at a party when her friend introduces him (Jack) as her boyfriend. The story is about the next 10 years of their lives through missed opportunities, love, fate, friendship, and heartbreak. I am curious as to how the book ends. Will Laurie and Jack whom she believes is the one get together or will she leave him alone for the happiness of her friend. I believe this is a story that we can all relate to in one way or another.