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“take a leap of faith and begin this wondrous new year by believing. Believe in yourself.

And believe that there is a loving source just waiting to be asked to make yours dreams come true.”

Sarah Ban Breathnach

Happy Friday!! And a Happy New Year! It is strange to think that NYE was only a few days ago, feels more like a week. I had the best time ringing in the new year with friends at the Brooklyn Heights Social Club. New Year’s Eve isn’t my favorite day of the year. I recently read an article that said “NYE is fine, it’s just fine.” If you go out you feel overwhelmed by the crowd, paid too much, and wish you stayed home or did something low key. If you stayed home or did something low key you get FOMO and wish you were ringing in the new year with a bang as you watch your Insta Stories of everyone else at a party. NYE is just fine– it’s neither great or terrible. That is how I view it. But still I had a good time– could of have been worse, could of have been better. At least I danced most of the night– which is always a plus for me.

The Social Club is located in the 1 Hotel. I have been wanting to see it since it’s opening, but have yet to venture over to Brooklyn. To tell you the truth I was more excited to see the hotel than to party— does this make me old? Anyway, what I loved about the event was that it was not elbow to elbow crowded. I could easily get a drink from the bar and our table (which we reserved) was designated a waitress. Drinks were flowing, spirits were high, the DJ was playing dance worthy-jams, and life was good. From the club there was a panoramic view of Manhattan, and from where our table was located a clear shot of The Statue of Liberty. This was my favorite part of the night; ringing in the new year while looking at Lady Liberty. At the stroke of midnight NYC sets off fire works by the famous statue and I felt a serge of gratitude to be living in my dream city, doing what I love, with people that make me feel like myself.

Other than celebrating a new year not much else has gone on this week. Just trying to recover from the holidays and ease back into my routine. Workouts have been a little tough and tiring. With only exercising 3 times during the break, eating Christmas cookies and drinking lots of champagne, my body wanted to die during the workouts. Hopefully it will bounce back next week.

Since this is the first week back there were no events lined up. It was nice to be able to catch up on emails, start planning editorials and outfits, and tidying up around the apartment. I think this weekend I am going to start going through my closet and throw out the things I no longer wear/ that have seen better days. I need to declutter. There is a new Netflix documentary called Tidying Up with Marie Kondo that I hear will spark a motivation in you to get organized. I have yet to see it (will probably watch it this weekend), but am already ready to be all out with the old, in with the new look at me I am organized.

Speaking of Netflix series– after many of you voted last night on my Insta Story poll (thank you for participating) I have started to watch The Bodyguard. I really enjoy it so far (only on episode 2). It reminds me a little of Homeland. Richard Madden is so very handsome (insert heart eyes).  Watching him be a badass in a suit for an hour really makes you enjoy the show a little more. If you are looking for a new series to binge watch I recommend it.

As I mentioned I am spending the weekend tidying up. I have no plans to go out, nor the desire to. I may go see a movie, but am perfectly content with staying in. Last weekend I went to dinner and a movie with my cousin and her friends. We saw Spiderman Spider Verse. At first I was skeptical in seeing it as it is a cartoon, but am so glad I did. I really enjoyed the movie! It’s pretty funny and filled with lots of action. I will say if you are susceptible to being sensitive due to flashing colors and patterns, you may not want to see this. It’s shown as if you are reading a comic book. A movie I do want to see, hopefully this weekend, is The Favourite. I hear it’s really good. Now that awards season is upon up or just around the corner, I am trying to see all of the nominated movies.

Hope you had a lovely New Year’s Eve and a wonderful weekend xo


1.Obsessing over these magazine covers

2. Want these pants in every color

3. Can I go on vacation now?

4.This pullover looks so comfy

5. Thinking of doing the #cscleanse challenge 

6. Excited for this mini series

7. A beginners guide to investing

8. Dior’s ad campaign is a celebration of the body in motion

9. 50 New Years Resolution ideas

10. Wellness trends of 2019