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“decide what kind of life you actually want. then say ‘no’  to everything that isn’t that.”

Happy Friday!! I have finally adjusted to post-holiday life. My workouts are not as brutal (last Friday at Megan’s class I laughed the entire time at how weak I was), I do not feel as if I need a million years of sleep, and dry January is still going strong. This is how you know you are old folks. When it takes you a week or two to get over the holidays. Luckily it was another eventless week so I could relax and not feel overwhelmed. Next week I have a few events on the schedule but until then I am enjoying spending my days at home working instead of rushing from here to there.

Since my social and event calendar were next to nothing I spent most of my time reading. I am half way through the first book of Crazy Rich Asians (talked more about it here), and really enjoy it. It’s an easy read but there is so much information in terms of cultural foods, buildings, dialects, social events that it could possibly take me forever to get through because I keep Googling everything every other sentence. Reading the book has also sparked an interest in going to Asia some day.

Wednesday evening I went to The Rickey Sisters dance class for the first time. Their class has been on my list of workouts to try for a long time, so when they reached out and invited me I was over the moon excited! I was very nervous to take their class. I am not much of a hip hop dancer. Hip hop was not a class offered in most dance studios when growing up. You rarely saw it during dance competitions or intensives. It was not part of the curriculum for the dance department in college either. Hip hop, although been around for a long time, has only within the last 10 years have graced dance studios as the norm. I think I took my first hip hop class in college when the department had a guest teacher come in for a special class. After that I was working for a dance studio after college and was thrown in to substitute/ temporarily take over a hip hop competition piece. The Rickey Sisters are a mixed of hip hop and dance cardio. I think I am much better at hip hop now thanks to taking dance cardio so often in the past few years…. well that and spending countless hours of my life learning dance routines off of music videos.

 I did a lot better than I thought I would in class. Going into it what made me nervous was having to quickly learn a bunch of dances as a follow along– like Amanda Kloots class we do about 6 dances (I believe) throughout, same with DanceBody, and they are all follow alongs (meaning you are not learning step by step but trying to catch on by following the instructor). Being not as fluent in hip hop as I am in other dance genres I thought I was going to look like Carlton Banks. The class was constructed differently– so instead of learning or doing a bunch of dances you are only learning one. It felt as if I were  in my dance competition rehearsals learning the piece. In The Rickey Sisters class you learn an 8 count and repeat it with the music about 5 times before learning the next 8 count. This way it’s much easier to pick up the dance– especially if you have never danced before. For me I pick up movement quickly and easily, I’ve been doing it since I was 3, so I was right on top of it during class. After learning the dance we did it a couple of times– performed it in groups and alone with the sisters if wanted to. If you saw my Insta Stories then you know I opted to dance with them. I was the first one to volunteer as tribute. I had a complete blast in their class and can’t wait to go back!!

This weekend I have nothing on the agenda. To be honest I am not feeling 100%. I am not sick enough that it has completely wiped me out, but do have a little cold. Tis the season. I am not in the mood to go out on the town but do not mind going to a movie or out to dinner.

Have a wonderful weekend! xo



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2. This coat needs to be mine

3. How cute is this yellow dress?

4. Eyeing this vintage pajama set

5. How to clean sneakers

6. The Chrysler Building is for sale

7. Are we all stalkers? Netflix’s You (spoilers)

8. Why monthly resolutions could help you reach your goal

9. Quick and healthy meals that require little effort

10. The origin story of Marie Kondo’s decluttering empire