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“be messy and complicated and afraid but show up anyways.”

Glennon Doylen Melton


Happy Friday!! Or should I say happy 3-day weekend…although I forgot it was a long weekend until yesterday, but then again I thought yesterday was Friday…so here we are. Anyway, it’s going to be one snowy weekend here in NYC. I am excited for it. Bring on the rosy cheeks and frostbite hands I am ready to play in the snow!

I spent most of this week preparing for a few collaborations I have coming up, and NYFW stuff. Can’t believe fashion week is less than 3 weeks! February’s shows are not as big of a deal as the ones in September. Most bloggers will skip this season because they do not want to stand outside in the cold. Mostly it is only NYC bloggers that brave the wait because it’s easy for us to just pop over to Spring Studios, and we are used to the weather here.

Besides work I had a doctors appointment that was mundane (found out I lost weight so that is a plus!) and a migraine that knocked me out. Tuesday morning I woke up feeling a little light headed and faint. I still went to my workout because I had the energy to but felt a little off. After the workout I ran a few errands which is when I realized I was getting a migraine. I basically ran out of CVS before anyone could witness the most dramatic death scene….. me slowing succumbing to the floor holding my head while covering my eyes and ears. I made it home and laid down on the couch for the rest of the afternoon. Good times. At least the new Roswell show started this week to make up for my pounding headache. I loved the original one and was skeptic of a revival. But have to hand it to them, the pilot was so good. I wish it was on Netflix so I could binge watch an entire season…… I need to get a life? hmmm.

Besides my internal woes and gleeful watchings I did attend my first event of the year. Thursday morning I went to the Dunkin’ Donut and 305 Fitness event. Dunkin’ has a new power breakfast sandwich they had added to the menu. I, unfortunately, was not able to taste test it because of gluten but the other girls seemed to have liked it. After breakfast we went to 305 Fitness for a 45 minute workout. I have been to 305 a few times and absolutely love it! It is a fun workout– dance cardio (they do a small weight portion in the class but it’s mostly dancing). The atmosphere is like a club with a life DJ and movements only appropriate under strobe lights. It’s high energy, continuous movement, and great jams.

Today I am going to try Fithouse for the first time. It’s a studio where you are offered different types of classes– yoga, HIIT, sculpt, cardio. I am starting off with sculpt first before moving onto the other classes. I really want to try their HIIT but couldn’t find a class this week that aligned with my schedule. Maybe next week? I have seen a few bloggers and friends here in the city post Fithouse on their Insta Stories and quickly added it to my list of studios to try. Can’t wait for the class!

I am obviously not going out of town this weekend. I do have an event tomorrow with Crate and Barrel for the launch of their new line inspired by The Beatles. The local Beatles cover band Blac Rabbit is going to perform, should be a fun event! Other than that I will most likely go see another movie, continuing my quest to see all of the nominated films. Perhaps dinner and drinks out on the town, and stay in cook dinner and watch a movie.

Hope you have a wonderful 3-day weekend!! xo


1.Watch Jimmy Fallon perform in Hamilton

2. A classic sweater I want in every color

3. How cute and fun are these shoes?

4. Workout in these cute polka dot leggings

5. Why you should be washing your avocados

6. Hottest new travel destinations for 2019

7. Everything to know before moving to New York

8. Inside the new Costume Institute Archive at the Met

9. Bring these cardio dance moves to the dance floor

10. Things you didn’t know about Netflix’s You