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Happy New Year! I rang in the new year the same way I spent 2018– in the moment. It wasn’t until this past year that I truly grasp what being in the moment means. I spent New Year’s Eve at the Brooklyn Heights Social Club, the rooftop bar in 1 Hotel. It had a panoramic view of Manhattan, and from where our table was located, a clear view of the Statue of Liberty. Knowing New York lets off fireworks at midnight, and having yet to see them, I was prepared. As the ball dropped and the fireworks started to explode by Lady Liberty I felt a serge of gratitude and surrealness. It was the pinch me feeling I often get with the realization that I am living in New York; when you feel like you can’t believe this is your life. It lasted only a moment and then I was back to embracing my friends and dancing the night away in celebration for coming year

When I look back on 2018 I feel only happiness and gratitude for it. There were good times, bad times, laughter and tears; it was life after all. But when I look back I can only see the good. I think that is what the past few years has taught me, to look at the good in every situation, to enjoy the moment. That was my intention for the year: enjoy life. Let the bad stuff come, feel it, let the emotion run through me, then let it go. Accept what has happened and moved on. I went into the new year wanting to focus on myself, and that I did. I learned to do things for me, because I love to do it or want to. This is my life, my choices, my experiences. I may not be conventional, being in my 30’s and not married, but what an adventure it has been. And the adventure has only just begun. I spent the year making sure I was happy, and that I was.

Going into the 2018 I wanted to focus on my career and to travel more. Unfortunately I did not travel except to Ohio and the Hamptons. But I did grow in my career and had opportunities that exceeded my dreams. I did my first ad campaign with PureWow and Roberto Coin that was beyond anything I could ever imagine doing. I partnered with Instyle and Marie Claire, crossing off collaborating with a fashion magazine from my goal list. I became a brand ambassador for adidas and DanceBody. I worked with numerous brands that I loved. I can’t really say which partnership was my favorite because they were all fun. However, the one I did with adidas x City Fit Life stands out to me because I got to work with two of my dear friends, Sarah and Natalie. This was the first time I had done a collaboration with friends and even a photoshoot, so the whole experience was a blast. It has been enjoyable creating content this past year and something I am really looking forward to this year. I went to two New York Fashion Weeks and was invited to a few new shows– Jonathan Simkahi,Noon by Noor, Tibi,Nonie,and more. I attended my first New York Bridal Fashion Week and went to the Lela Rose Presentation. Lela Rose is one of my favorite designers and I was beyond happy to see her wedding collection. Another first for me was going apple picking in the fall with DL1961. We had SO much fun! One of my favorite days of the year. A fun event I went to that was out of my element was the MLB food truck event kicking off baseball season. I tried some yummy foods, ate a lot, saw the World Series trophy, rode on a large hotdog seesaw, and had a blast with my friends.

I was able to cross off a few things this past year from my bucket list.  The first being the Veuve Clicquot polo match. Attending a polo match, especially Veuve’s, has been on my list for years. I had so so so much fun and found a liking to the sport. A month later I attended The Victory Cup. Hoping to go back to both this coming year. Speaking of sports, I went to the US Open this past summer. This wasn’t my first time being at the tournament but it was my first time seeing Serena Williams play. That was truly amazing! Also this past year I attended a few ballets- both American Ballet Theatre and NYC Ballet, went to a few broadway shows (was able to go backstage at Chicago because my friend is in it), rode bikes for the first time around Governors Island with my parents, saw Elton John in concert and Bette Midler in Hello Dolly, went to a bunch of fun-houses like the Rosé Mansion, Museum of Ice Cream, etc.Took a crafting class with Martha Stewart. Attending BeautyCon and PopSugar conventions. Hosted my first NYC shopping event (at J.Crew).So I didn’t get to go to Paris like I wanted to, but I had fun here in New York.

Last week when coming to terms that a new year was approaching I felt fear. It wasn’t an unpleasant feeling nor was it pleasant. I think it was knowing that I had a great year and fear of the what the following will bring. Maybe it is fear of change, fear of time passing by, or fear of something that will happen whether it’s good or bad. I am choosing to believe it is a good kind of fear– fear of love, success, something too good to be true– fear that you need to take a leap of faith. Now that we are in 2019 I no longer have the feeling of fear, nor do I have the feeling of a better year. It’s a contentment, a faith in knowing that I will grow personally, professional, and emotionally. That no matter what happens to me I will be ok– that it is meant for me. Whatever comes my way the good and the bad, it is meant for me. I have a feeling I will be pretty pleased with whatever it is.

I can describe 2018 in three words: opportunity, self care, and laughter. For 2019 my intentions are courage, love, and experience. I want to continue to and have more of the strength and courage to go after the things I want, to be vulnerable, to create more, to put myself out there, and to not let fear stop me. I want to continue to love more and express my love for others. To not be afraid to show my love for the people and the things in my life. I want to experience everything! Be in the moment, enjoy where I am at. But also experience things I have never done before; what that is, only time will tell. My intentions for this year, my goals is to continue to work on myself and putting my needs first. Taking are of myself mentally, physically, and emotionally. To continue to learn from my mistakes and grow from it, not falter. To have the courage to push myself creatively and emotionally. In my career I have set my intentions on working with new brands, grow my social media (to get to 70K followers by the end of the year), and my revenue (become a millionaire, duh 😉 ). Get featured by LiketoKnow.It and other brands on social media. To be in a magazine and be a guest on a Podcast. To say no to things that do not align with my brand and to seek out opportunities that do.

My bucket list items for the year are to travel of course internationally and domestically, as well as head back to the Hamptons. Go a Yankees game for the first time. Take a helicopter ride around Manhattan. To go the Statue of Liberty, Brooklyn Botanical Gardens, the Bronx Zoo. See more Broadway Shows and Ballets. Attend other dance performances like Alvin and Ailey, Martha Graham, etc. Start taking dance classes at Broadway Dance Center (steal my tap shoes back from my mom), continue to try new workouts and restaurants. Continue with my fitness goals.Go to a few galas and balls. Get a puppy and a new apartment. Have fun with friends and family, and live in the moment. Experience life as it unfolds.

Heres to a new year, new intentions, new goals, filled with lots of love, laughter, and joy. Happy New Year!