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plaid coat // pink booties // jeans // pearl headband // shoulder bag // sweater

In the beginning of winter I made a promise to myself to start wearing more colors than just black this season. To carry over my bright colorful aesthetics of summer into my winter wardrobe. I still often wear black on black, but have been incorporating a lighter palette attire here and there. Wearing colorful clothing  in the winter is a nice change.

I do struggle with always wanting to dress in all black in the winter. I seem to unconsciously grab for a black blouse and my black pants. Although I love to wear the monochromatic look, I do end up becoming bored with my outfits a lot quicker than I do in the summer time. Going to events has really made me think more about wearing colorful winter clothing than I normally would. I usually save my black attire for going out with friends and my bright attire for blogging events. Still I am trying to make the winter season not feel as gloomy by at least adding a pop of color to each outfit. A great way to do this is by wearing a simple accessory or pair of boots, a sweater that is not a neutral, and a jacket that has a subtle detail to it.


plaid coat // pink booties // jeans // pearl headband // shoulder bag // sweater

You are probably fixated on my headband. I am too. It’s from Lele Sadoughi (pronounced Suh-doogie), and you have probably seen it on almost every influencer. Turban headbands are the talk of the town. A trend that I am on board with.And it’s not just influencers who are jumping into it, it’s been on the runways of couture these past few seasons.  I have been dying for this headband for a long time with it’s beautiful pearl detailing. It’s been in and out of stock so get on the waiting list. I think I waited a month for it for arrive, just in time for the holidays. I wore it on Christmas day and my uncle thought I was wearing a crown. Which I am taking as a compliment. I am no stranger to headbands, dating back to the 80’s. The timeless accessory went away for a while but I am happy to report that it is back and better than ever! Dust off your Blair Waldorf headbands… we are back in the game!