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“People who say that yesterday was better than today are ultimately devaluing their own existence.”
– Karl Lagerfeld

Happy Friday! This week has been pretty uneventful. After this past month being crazy with fashion week, it was nice to have nothing on my schedule in terms of events. I spent most of the week indoors working and relaxing. Since I had a somewhat of a relaxed schedule, I took this as an opportunity for some self care.

As I mentioned in yesterday’s blog post I somehow hurt my left shoulder. It has been bothering me a little for a few months now, but in true Maggie form I ignored it until I couldn’t ignore it any longer. Last week I was in a sculpt yoga class doing an ordinary plank when a pain shot from my shoulder up to the base of my head. I brushed it off as possibly sleeping wrong or a big knot was just released. If anything I thought about going to a chiropractor, thinking maybe my body is out of alignment. Anyway, I went home and iced it, then went back to my workout regime as usual. Well this past Monday I was at DanceBody doing their signature class (all dance cardio with about 10% sculpting) when I did a move where your arm goes backwards, and there it was again, the pain from my shoulder though my neck. This time I could not ignore it– well I tried to and continued dancing but the sharp pain happened a few more times. I spent most of the class not doing the arms and just the feet work. I went home that day iced it, massaged it, put healing crystals on it and it felt better. Went to a sculpt class the next day and felt fine. Then Wednesday I was in yoga and did a bind with my left arm behind my back and the pain was so sharp I almost screamed. It also felt like a muscle spasm where I couldn’t move and had to slowly unclench myself. The pain was so bad it scared me and finally made me realize I need to take care of this. I skipped my workout yesterday and cancelled my workout today. I have been resting and icing my shoulder on and off. I have also been using a foam roller and therapy ball to release tension. Today I have a Cryotherapy appointed where they will do a spot treatment. My next step is either to go see a physical therapist or an acupuncturist. From my expert opinion I think I have a pulled muscle or overused muscle (sorta like my left thigh muscle a few years ago…. what the heck is going on with my left side of my body come to think of it?). The pain only happens when I rotate my arm backwards so it must be a muscle in my rotator cuff. I am planning on going to my yoga class tomorrow but modifying it so I am not putting pressure on my shoulder. We will see.

Besides my shoulder issues I have also taken this week to read my book, do a facial mask, cook healthy meals, meditate, drink detox tea, etc. I wanted to do a social media detox but then the whole Khloe/Tristan/Jordyn thing happened and well, I went polar opposite and was glued to my phone for days. Reading the comments and seeing the memes was better than anything on Netflix.

Anyway, last weekend I saw the NYC Ballet’s performance of Sleeping Beauty. Oh I loved it so much! The costumes were breathtaking and the dancing was phenomenal. I always forget that the storyline in the ballet is completely different than the Disney version. Both are lovely in their own ways, but I think I much prefer the 3 cute fairy godmothers in the Disney version.

This weekend I am going to see the Andy Warhol Exhibition at the Whitney Museum. I am pretty excited to see it. There was an exhibition at the Wexner Center when I lived in Columbus years ago and throughly enjoyed it. I know I will enjoy this one as well. I am trying to take more advantage of living in New York. I think for the most part I do a good job, but I could still do more. I always see the ballet and broadway shows and note-worthy exhibitions in museums. I have gone to the Opera once before and would love to see another one. The symphony is one that I have not yet seen and am dying to go to. Will hopefully cross that off  bucket list this year!

Hope you have a wonderful weekend xo


1. A time line of Karl Lagerfeld’s life in fashion 

2. The perfect LWD for spring

3. Loving these pants for spring!

4. Just bought these shoes

5. Yummy paleo endless energy matcha muffins recipe

6. Sneak peek of the Met Gala “Camp: Notes on Fashion”

7. Lee Radziwill most iconic fashion moments

8. Who do they think they are?

9. My new style icon

10. Loved Megan’s blog post about being single in your 30’s– really relate to it!