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tibi vince

satin silk top // pleated skirt // sunglasses // grey coat // nude heels

One of the things that you might not know about me is that I enjoy learning metaphors and symbolisms, especially in colors. Why we are drawn to certain colors more than others? For instance; red is associated with intimacy, passion and rage because it takes our eyes longer to process the color than any other color. And in order to process the color our bodies use more hormones– the same amountt of hormones used during sex or rage. On the other hand blue is a color that is easy on the eyes, (most) everyone likes, and everyone looks good in.

Blue is, for the most part, well liked because it is the rarest color in nature, yet the only consistent color– being the sky. Living in the city I hardly ever see grass, yet I can always look up at the sky. And in nature what is blue, water and the sky, are the most calming elements. Blue is also the 5th chakra, the throat. Which is a metaphor for your inner voice. The deeper the blue the more strength you have in your chakra– meaning you maybe more in-tuned with your inner voice, self expression, truth, communication, and self creativity.

Have you ever gotten your aura photographed? The color that usually shows up in the photo is the color that represents your strongest chakra. Of course your aura will change colors day by day, minute by minute; depending on mood, thought, etc. When had my aura photographed, it was all completely purple (representing the third eye)– which means I have inner wisdom, extrasensory perception, creativity, enlightenment, ideas. If you get blue it means serenity, spirituality, peace, healing. There are, of course, different meanings for how deep or light in the palette it is and if it’s mixed with other colors.

It may come as a shock to you that blush/pink is not my favorite color (still love it), it is actually blue. I have loved the color blue since I was little. It’s the color of my eyes, my grandfather had the bluest eyes and it was his favorite color, I love to swim, and the color looks good on me (not going to lie).

tibi vincetibi vincetibi vincetibi vincetibi vincetibi vince

satin silk top // pleated skirt // sunglasses // grey coat // nude heels

When shopping I tend to pick out items that are either blue or pink. I like decorating my apartment with the color blue, leaving a calm feeling, especially around my bedroom. Blue is a cool color. Easy on the eyes, calming of the mind. I am wearing grey along with my blue skirt. Grey is a mixture of both warm and cool, but I like to think of it as a cool color. I associate grey with gloomy skies mixed in with blue. Which also makes me calm…or depressed. But lets look on the brighter side of things and say it gives us a neutral feeling. Cool colors can be worn all year round, they are seasonless. So in the famous words of Countess Luann: Be cool. Don’t be all like.. uncool. Lets stay cool with calming colors like blues and greys…. while still looking chic of course.