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“There is no force more powerful than a woman determined to rise”

Happy Friday and happy International Women’s Day!! I am back in New York after a long weekend home in Columbus. It was SO nice to be home and to have spent time with my family. It was a lovely, relaxing weekend that I needed.

Upon arriving my sister and mother picked me up from the airport and we went straight to Easton Town Center to shop. We went because my sister wanted to buy more clothes for work and I wanted to see the Cosi’s new exhibition The Rooms. Of course I wanted to shop as well, but ended up not getting anything (at least on this trip). Anyway, each room has a different  theme to it– stickers, psychedelic paintings, foam blocks, prints, etc. It was small but entertaining to go into. I went back to Easton’s on another day with my parents and got a few socks from Lululemon and a new computer charger. The wire was sticking out of the protecter, I was afraid of it possibly causing a fire.

At one point in the weekend I went over to my grandmothers house where we chit-chatted for a little over an hour about everything. We talked about her life, my life, how she met my grandfather, her career in fashion and modeling, the evolution of her hair (lol), and some gossip. She would start a conversation with “well I shouldn’t be telling you this…” and I would reply- it’s just us gals you can tell me. I am the first to admit I am the biggest brown noser/ suck up to my grandmother. It’s a joke in my family and half the time I do it because I find it funny. But the woman loves compliments and attention so I give it to her. She will do something and I will tell her she is an angel sent from heaven. Of course the compliments are also thrown my way as well, which is always nice to hear. Brown nosing aside, my grandmother is one of my favorite people in the world. I love calling her when I am feeling lonely here. She makes me laugh and puts things into prospective that I must cherish every moment. My grandmother is 96 years old and is still healthy as a horse. She just now started using a cane. She teaches piano lessons, can touch her toes and does morning exercises, host parties for her friends, and is pretty sharp for her age.  Color me impressed and hope to be just like that when I am of age. I feel so blessed she is still here with us. Sometimes I don’t know what I would do without her. She told me she is planning on attending my 100th birthday. She may have drank from the same fountain of youth from Tuck Everlasting. Age is just a number to her youth is in the mind.

Going on the opposite direction I spent quality time with my 2 year old niece. I can’t believe how much she has grown and developed. She is a smart little girl. She catches onto things quickly and wants to be independent. She loves music, dancing and animal sounds. I don’t know what life was like before her now. She brings so much joy to our family.

Besides hanging out with the old and the young, I went to see Mary Poppins with my parents. LOVED IT!! Oh it gave me such nostalgia for when my sister and I would watch the original. We would pull our pants down to our ankles and do the penguin dance. And to see Dick Van Dyke making a cameo, it really filled me with joy. My parents loved the movie as well. Definitely see if you have not!

This week has been another quiet one. I haven’t been going to events lately- skipping out on a few- and I am pretty ok with it. I know in the next few months things will start to pick up and get crazy busy again, I want to take this time for myself. My shoulder is feeling better! I am still taking precautions and modifying certain movements, but I am happy it is healing. This weekend I have nothing on the agenda except to workout and enjoy the city.

have a wonderful weekend xo


1. The origins of International Women’s Day

2. I have my eye on this skirt

3. Need this swimsuit 

4. Cute sandals for spring 

5. Best street styles from Paris Fashion Week

6. Mattel’s Barbie Dream Gap Project

7. Ways to empower women

8. St. Patricks Day dessert ideas

9. Taylor Swift 30 things she learned before turning 30

10. Understanding and healing the female brain  body connection