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“may the petals teach me the art of letting go”

-Xan Oku

Happy Friday!! I have some exciting news to share…. I hired an agent!! I am so excited for this new chapter in my career and in life. I am also excited for what is in store and the work we will do together. This hire happen because I am ready to evolve and grow and have someone handle my PR and Marketing. I can’t believe I am saying these words– I have an agent!! Ah!

Besides negotiating contracts, this past week was mostly good but with a hiccup. Last Sunday I saw the new Broadway musical, Be More ChillI loved it! It was fun, upbeat, relatable, heartbreaking and has a great lesson to it. It’s about a boy in high school named Jeremy who is awkward and feels invisible. He is approached by someone who offers a new pill that will transform him into being one of the popular kids. Of course this comes with a price. It’s about staying true to yourself, loving who you are, and that everyone deals with insecurities. Jeremy has a best friend, Michael, who I adore!! I would love to be Michael’s best friend!.  This is definitely a musical to see!  (listen to “Michael in the Bathroom”)

Tuesday and Wednesday I was not feeling well. During my photoshoot Tuesday morning I felt a little off. It was cold and of course I was wearing not-weather appropriate outfits, but I could not warm myself up for the rest of the day. My feet and hands were freezing all day no matter what I did to warm myself. I don’t know what was going on, I’ve definitely have shot in colder temperatures not covered up. Anyway, by Wednesday I felt very fatigued with a headache and a little sore throat. I cancelled my workout and spent the day at home relaxing. I allowed myself to sleep in, hoping to sleep off whatever my body was fighting. I am glad I took the day to sleep and take care of myself. I feel a lot better and know that if I didn’t take care of myself right away, I would be even more sick now.

Feeling a lot better, Thursday afternoon I went to the Battalion PR press preview. They represent a bunch of jewelry designers, mens and women’s shoe brands, and women’s loungewear brands. Last night I went to the celebration get together of Drew Barrymore’s new home collection Flower by Drew Barrymore. It was held at my dear friend Christy’s home. Christy has been doing Drew’s PR and consulting for years now. Anyway, the party was intimate and so much fun. Christy decorated her house with Flower by Drew Barrymore’s collection pieces. Neil Davis played Destiny’s Child song “Independent Women” where we danced and sang along. Drew Barrymore is exactly what you think she is– kind, sweet, optimistic, humble, funny. I’ve met her twice now and both times she has been so kind and warm. The collection really is amazing and I am so proud of Christy and her hard work!

As for fitness, I started going to Dancebody’s Full Out classes. They introduced a new series of dances that we will be learning and dancing for the next 3 months. Anyway, Full Out is their advanced dance cardio class. I’ve been going to their standard Signature class (for all levels). It was time for me to challenge myself. Since everyone is on the same page of not knowing the dances, this is the best time for me to start taking Full Out. I went Monday morning and felt pretty good about a few of the new dances. I wasn’t perfect, but catching on. Then Thursday morning I went back and acted like I had two left feet. Some days you are on top of things and others you look like a chicken with your head cut off. I have two and half dances pretty much down (not perfected but a solid grasp on movement), but one of the dances I could not catch on to, even though I did 2 days prior. I am a pretty fast learner with movement so this was frustrating me like no other. At one point I stopped dancing for about 10 seconds, beyond frustrated with myself, to watch the instructor. Dancebody teaches a few 8 counts but most of it is learned by watching and doing. It helps me a lot to record myself (which I share a little on IG Stories) so I can practice at home. Give me another week or two (maybe three) and I will hopefully have these dances down… and then they will introduce 5 more. Help me!

This weekend I am dog sitting! I miss having a dog around, so I am really excited to be spending time with a cute puppy who is only 4 months old! We are going to go on walks, cuddle, play, gossip, all of the fun stuff.

Have a wonderful weekend! xo


1. Kris Jenner on what it takes to be a boss

2. Loving this cute top

3. Drooling over this handbag

4. Wanting these pants 

5. Bob Fosse haunts Will Roland’s dressing room

6. A complete guide to everything that has happened on GOT

7. Bella Du Jour

8. Everything you need to know about weight training

9. Tips for dating in the city

10. How to ditch your PMS the natural way