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One thing I look most forward to during the day is listening to my favorite Podcasts. Whether I am going through emails, creating a blog post, walking around the city or laying on the couch, I enjoy playing a Podcast and listening to whatever the topic may be. There are a few that I religiously listen to and some I listen to sporadically. What do I look for in a Podcast? Usually entertainment, something I can learn from, interests of mine, and those that are well-known (ex: Serial). Here are a few of my current favorites that I listen to each week.

My favorite Podcast that I look forward to each week, Almost30 is hosted by Krista Williams and Lindsey Simcik. I know I have mentioned and shared this Podcast before, and have even attended one of their live events here in NYC. It’s relatable, funny, and informative. If you ever feel alone in a struggle or personal situation, this is the podcast for you. You will quickly realize you are not alone at all. This has given me much comfort in knowing I am not the only one who deals with certain things. I am even a part of their Facebook group where I’ll read or comment on topics pertaining to everyday life. The Podcast talks about relationships, health and wellness, spirituality, culture, career, and life in general. It’s about women dealing with real issues and coming together to support each other. Although the title itself suggest it’s for women who are turning 30, really it’s for all ages. I have learned so much and changed my life and health because of what Krista and Lindsey have discussed amongst themselves and with their guests. I can’t recommend this podcast enough for all women.

armchair expert

Dax Shepard is the Armchair Expert and it is definitely one you all should be listening to. It’s much more than talking to celebrities about their movie or TV careers. It’s a conversation between two friends that goes deep into what life means to them, lessons they have learned, struggles they have gone through, how they grew up, and what they believe in. It’s so interesting to me to see another side of celebrities and Dax Shepard himself. Dax is very open and honest about his own struggles, his marriage with Kristen Bell, and his thoughts on life. It’s insightful and informative and so fun!. I have learned a lot from listening to this podcast.


I must be living under a rock because I only just now discovered The goop Podcast. Since I have only recently discovered (thanks to a friend of mine who suggested it), I am behind on topics and discussion. It goes deep into health, wellness, and spirituality. There are interesting topics like how childhood drama effects our adult life, how our health issues are connected to our gut, diving deep into relationships and sex, manifesting and creating your life, and so on. I enjoy learning more about my body, mind, and spirit and ways I can stay connected. Not every single episode is a topic that everyone will be interested in, but I believe there are enough episodes that everyone can learn from.

watch what crappensIf you enjoy watching Bravo then you will love Watch What Crappens. From Real Housewives to Southern Charm to Project Runway, if it’s on Bravo then Ben Mandelker and Ronnie Karam dissect it. It’s hilariously entertaining and insightful. They mention things that happen on shows that I completely miss, and they also talk about out of season stuff that happen (blog post, media coverage, gossip, etc). They have changed my mind on people in certain shows where I thought they were innocent in situations ( Puppygate of RHOBH) after giving their thoughts and opinions on the matter. My favorite part, however, is when they imitate the women– their imitation of Ramona kills me. It’s fun, lighthearted, and entertaining. Definitely listen if you love Bravo!