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recovery tools

One of my intentions for 2020 was to prioritize my recovery more than my workouts. On average I workout 5-6 days a week ranging from dance cardio, yoga, running, HIIT workouts, sculpting, boxing, and more. As a dancer my mindset is to keep going, push through the pain and injury. Unfortunately, my body no longer allows me to push through. From my neck to my feet I have issues from inflammation in my muscles to joint pains. As I get older I need to be smarter about taking care of my body if I want to continue to exercise. And I want to be that little old lady in your pilates class who is keeping up with the movements.

Ever since the summer my left shoulder/neck area has been hurting. Sometimes it is a sharp pain, sometimes it’s an ache, and sometimes it just feels off. I didn’t injury it, there wasn’t a moment where something happened. The bottom line is it is overused and inflamed, and if we are being honest, probably early stages of tendinitis. I have been taking precautions during my workouts here and there– going slower with weights, modifying movements, etc. Once a month I have been going to the acupuncturist to help settle down the inflammation. But I know I need to do more than putting needles all over my body (highly recommend acupuncture btw). What I really needed was to go back to my chiropractor. I could tell my body was way, way out of alignment. It felt as if my head was on top of my right shoulder. And when you keep dreaming about getting your neck cracked, well I think it’s time to go see a chiropractor.

I went to my chiropractor over the weekend and it felt so good! I can’t think of anything better right now than the feeling of getting my neck cracked, I love it. My chiropractor said my body is pretty out of alignment and my left shoulder/neck area is extremely tight. There are knots that are so deep that even a massage ball won’t loosen. After just one session I already felt better and felt more aligned, but I know Rome wasn’t built in a day. My shoulder doesn’t ache as it used to but still feels weak and the problem isn’t gone. The inflammation and tightness are still there, waiting in the wings for the second act.

Yesterday I went back for another session, and have two more sessions lined up in the next few weeks. And per doctors orders, I am going to see a massage therapist that is more focused on medical massage than your typical spa massage. I need to get this issue corrected or I will have major problems when I am older and less mobile. In the meantime, between sessions, there is a lot I can do at home to help me recover. I religiously lay on top of a massage ball at home, as well as use a few different types of foam rollers. When I want to get deeper into the muscles for myofascial release I use a trigger point foam roller. For a quick fascial and tightness release, I use a regular firm roller.  I also use a roller stick mostly when I am hanging out at night watching TV and my sciatica or IT band hurts, also for shoulder and backaches. I would love to get the massage gun to use, which I believe is the most effective. Of course, I put heat and ice on my aches and pains as well as stretch as much as I can throughout the day. Recovery is an important part of fitness and wellness and this year I am making sure it is part of my lifestyle.


ZEAK Massage Lacrosse Balls

OPOVE M3 Pro Massage Gun

Yansyi Muscle Roller Stick

ProsourceFit Ki Acupressure Mat and Pillow Set

ProsourceFit Flex-Foam Rollers

Recoup Fitness Cryosphere Cold Massage Roller

TriggerPoint GRID Foam Roller

Vive Stretch Strap 

Zyllion Shiatsu Back and Neck Massager