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“what we repeat, we strengthen”

-Taryn Toomey


Happy Friday! Like many of you, I am at my wits’ end with the virus and quarantine. I am really hoping to be able to go back to NYC by mid-May, but it looks like it will not be until the beginning of June. I want to be 100% confident that it is safe to go back to the city and am not sure if May 15th (my original plan) is the right time.  We will see…. sigh.

This past Wednesday I did my first IG Live interview with Genevieve Beyleveld, from Passports & Pérignon blog, for her In Bed With series. We had over 270 viewers for the IG Live which I am astonished to hear. I still have the mentality that no one reads my blog. To hear that she received a lot of questions for me prior to the interview and we had more than one viewer, makes me happy. Thank you to everyone who listened to it and submitted questions!! If you have anything else you would like to ask me, my DMs are always open or you can email me! Anyway, back to the interview. Genevieve asked me questions about living in New York, my day-to-day life, favorite beauty products, advice to give to someone starting a blog, my personal aesthetics, etc. I had a great time chatting with Genevieve. It was exactly what I needed– to feel productive and accomplished.

Other than my interview I have spent the week working on my blog, reading, binge-watching shows, going to the grocery store, and working out. It’s funny, when I go to the grocery store I think I change my outfit 10 times before going, wanting to dress up a little. Being the only time I interact with humans, I want to look good and it gives me a chance to put on actual clothes instead of sweats. If we weren’t quarantine, I would run to the grocery store wearing athleisure and barely brushing my hair. Oh, how times have changed!

There are a few shows I am currently watching besides my regular programs like Grey’s Anatomy. I have introduced Victoria to my mom and we have been watching (rewatching for me) season 1. I love this show so much and highly recommend it, especially if you like The Crown. The series, on PBS, is about the life of Queen Victoria. I love the costumes, the history, the love story, Victoria herself as a 20-year-old woman//girl who rules an entire country! It’s so good! We will be spending a great portion of the weekend binging Victoria.

Another weekend activity I am very much looking forward to is gardening. I joked that I have been in the suburbs for too long because I am not interested in gardening. Anyway, while at the grocery store the other day my mom and I picked up alyssum seeds. We are going to plant the seeds in the backyard around this huge tree over the weekend and I can’t wait to watch them bloom.

Have a wonderful weekend xo


1. Gilmore Girls original pilot was very different

2. I have to have this dress

3.Want this in citrine

4. This cute PJ set

5. What is ‘grandmillenial’ style?

6. London Fashion Week will still happen… digitally

7. 12 ideas for growing vegetables indoors

8. The friendship of André Talley and Anna Wintour

9. How to ditch your PMS the natural way

10. #Herreraincolor