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jumpsuit // headband // slippers c/o

I have talked before about how prominent and influential music has been in my life growing up. Coming from a family of musicians, singers, and dancers, music was always playing throughout the house in one form or another. Not only was the radio on or an instrument was being played, but my parents would put on their records for us to dance around to.  I have never owned my own vinyl record player, just a CD and tape player. Now, like the rest of the world, I use iTunes and Spotify to fill my apartment with music. However, I have been wanting to purchase a record player along with vinyls of the greatest artists like Elton John, The Rolling Stones, Beatles, etc.


jumpsuit // headband // slippers c/o

If you ask me what my favorite music genre is, I can’t give you a definite answer. I love anywhere from classical to hip-hop to country to show tunes to jam bands. If the song makes me feel something then I love it. Sure I am probably most likely to listen to a lot of pop music like Tayor Swift, but if you took a look at my playlist it will be filled with every genre imaginable. When I was in college as a dance major, part of our curriculum was to choreograph dances. This meant having to find the perfect song to coincide with the dance. I would spend hours upon hours at the music library, diving deep into artists of all genres. Picking out record after record of artists, some I knew and some I was unfamiliar with until I found the perfect song for my dance. I always loved that part of the creative process.

Music is something I can turn to when I am sad, happy, angry, or in love. It calms me down or energizes me, whatever my mood prescribes. I get lost in lyrics that cut deep and can’t stop my body from moving when the beat is good. I love discovering new artists and hitting repeat on songs I have listened to a thousand times. Right now I have been turning to music to help me escape the world in which we have found ourselves currently living. Music is what connects us, when we can’t physically be together. We may not be able to express or comprehend all of the emotions we are feeling, but we can find it in music.