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“Even when your faith is low, when you’re discouraged, when you have doubts,

God doesn’t cancel His plan for your life.”

-Joel Osteen

Happy Friday! To quote the Dowager- “what is a weekend?”. Every day feels the same in quarantine. The highlight of my week was going to two different grocery stores and Starbucks. Rebel, I know.

I, like the rest of the world, am ready for this to be over. I want things to open back up, as long as it is safe, and for our lives to go back to normal. I miss NYC. I miss my friends, going to events, working out at fitness studios, dating, hugging, holding hands, going to Broadway shows, and so much more. I believe there is a light at the end of the tunnel and it is near. We are almost at the end of this nightmare. Until then I am focusing on the things I am grateful for; more time with my family, relaxing and taking time for myself, not spending money, chatting with friends, and cooking more. Being grateful for what I do that allows me to be creative, and the fact that I get to still dress up for photos. That this whole thing has brought people closer together. So as we are close to getting back to our normal lives, this is the time to really cherish the things we will no longer have time for.

Last weekend I helped my parents in their garden; planting seeds and laying mulch. I had a great time gardening and am itching for the flowers to grow. I can not wait until I have my own house so I can grow my own garden with lots of flowers and maybe even vegetables!

Have you been watching The Last Dance documentary on ESPN? I highly suggest watching it if you have not. It’s about the Chicago Bulls during the ’90s. I, of course, grew up in that era where Michael Jordan reigned the basketball court. There is a lot I remember and so much I had no idea happened. It’s very interesting! Another show I am excited about is Hollywood on Netflix. It premiered today and I can not wait to binge-watch it. Hollywood is about Tinseltown after WWII and follows a group of young actors, singers, directors, and dancers of different ages, gender, and race trying to make it. The costumes alone are going to be amazing and the storyline sounds pretty interesting!

Other than binge-watching shows, this weekend I am planning on finishing my book It All Comes Back To You. I am really enjoying it- it’s a can’t put down type of book. Highly suggest! Also this weekend I will be working out. I have been learning the new Dancebody dances for the quarter. I have two left to learn. I am so sad I am not currently dancing them in the studio, bringing all of the energy and fun into the dances. I hope I get to do so before they transition to new dances in July. Besides dancing, I will be riding bikes with my dad and going on walks with my mom. If we weren’t in quarantine, I would be going to a Kentucky Derby party. I absolutely love the Derby! It’s one of my favorite days of the year. I wish I was wearing a bright color dress and a large brim hat… sigh.

Hope you have a wonderful, safe, and healthy weekend xo


1. About time: dressing by decade

2. Want this maxi dress

3. A must-have everyday dress

4. How cute are these espadrilles?

5.  Zoom party ideas

6. The history of Art Deco interior design

7. What to know before starting your garden

8. All the recipes you need for Cinco de Mayo

9. The best Met Gala looks of all time

10. The dos and don’t of working out at home